Custom deembedding s-parameter file, Cable deembedding, Esata product – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-SATA User Manual
Page 24: S-parameter files path, Rf switch gpib address, Maximum pert3 retries, External attenuation, Run number, Use individual run folders
915745 Rev
Custom Deembedding S-Parameter File
This variable allows the user to supply an S-Parameter file to for cable de-embedding. The file should be located
in the directory set in the
“S-Parameters Files Path” and the “Cable Deembedding” variable should be set to
Custom. By default this variable is empty.
Cable Deembedding
This variable allows the user to enable cable deembedding using the S-
parameter file set in the “Custom
Deembedding S-Parameter File.
” The default value is None.
eSATA Product
This variable indicates if the Product Under Test has an eSATA connector being tested. An eSATA product
requires the receiver test calibration to use Gen1m and Gen2m criteria instead of Gen1i and Gen2i. (There is no
difference for Gen3 products). The default value is No.
S-Parameter Files Path
This variable allows the user to specify the location of the S-Parameter files on the oscilloscope used for the CIC
and for cable deembedding. The default value for this variable is D:\Applications\EyeDr.
RF Switch GPIB Address
This variable applies only when the RF Switch is used. It sets the GPIB address that QualiPHY should use to
communicate with the RF Switch. The default value is 7.
Maximum PeRT3 Retries
This variable sets the maximum number of times QualiPHY should attempt to connect to the Product Under Test
before warning the user that it is not able to connect. The default value is 3.
External Attenuation
Used to set the value (in dB) of any external attenuators attached to the channel. External attenuators are used to
improve the return loss of the channel in order to meet the lab load requirements in the SATA specification.
Setting this value incorrectly will result in incorrect measurement results. The default value is 6.
Run Number
This variable applies only when running tests on saved waveforms and individual Run Folders are used.
QualiPHY will look for the waveforms in [Waveform Folder]\[Device Under Test]\Run[RunNumber]. The [Device
Under Test] is the value entered in the DUT field in the session dialog that pops up at the start of a session. The
default value is 1.
Use Individual Run Folders
This variable controls whether saved waveforms are placed in a new directory every time a test is run with saved
wavefoms. The default value is No.