Teledyne LeCroy USB Script Decode Manual User Manual

Page 14

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CATC Scripting Language for USB


x = 10
Value_of_x = select {

x < 5 : "Less than 5";
x >= 5 : "Greater than or equal to 5";


The above expression will evaluate to “Greater than or equal to 5” because the first
true expression is x >= 5. Note that a semicolon is required at the end of a

expression because it is not a compound statement and can be used in an

expression context.

There is also a keyword default, which in effect always evaluates to true. An
example of its use is

Astring = select {

A == 1 : "one";
A == 2 : "two";
A == 3: "three";
A > 3 : "overflow";
default : null;


If none of the first four expressions evaluates to true, then default will be eval-
uated, returning a value of null for the entire expression.


expressions can also be used to conditionally execute statements, similar

to C switch statements:

select {

A == 1 : DoSomething();
A == 2 : DoSomethingElse();
default: DoNothing();


In this case the appropriate function is called depending on the value of A, but the
evaluated result of the select expression is ignored.