LEESON Micro Series Compact Inverters User Manual
Page 82

When the drive is in PID mode, the DRIVE STATUS portion of the display will indicate actual output
frequency (in Hertz) instead of RUN, and the right side of the display will indicate PID SET POINT, %
LOAD, or PID FEEDBACK. The ENTER key is used to toggle between the different displays. Examples
of the possible displays are shown below:
In the examples above, the drive is running at 42.53 Hz to maintain the PID SET POINT of 35.0 psi.
Pressing the ENTER key displays % LOAD, which is 57%. Pressing ENTER again displays the PID
FEEDBACK from the process, which is 33 .7 psi .
When the PID SET POINT and PID FEEDBACK displays are entered, the display will flash SET POINT
or FEEDBACK before displaying the value to indicate which display is being viewed .