Fig. 5-12 set max analog out range dialog box – Gentec-EO P-LINK User Manual

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LINK User’s Manual Revision 15.0


Gentec Electro

– Optics, Inc. All rights reserved

5.2.8 Settings - Attenuator

Some low-power detectors come with an attenuator for which there is an attenuation factor programmed
in the detector EEPROM. This menu item makes it a simple operation to enable or disable the attenuator
correction. Since the calibration wavelengths are often different for the attenuator, the user should
always set the wavelength after enabling or disabling the attenuator correction.

5.2.9 Settings - Set Max Analog Out Range

The set max analog out range setting allows to choose the relationship between the power(or energy)
measurement and the voltage generated by the analog output. The range of the output is 0 to 2.05 volts.
If the user selects 10 Watts as the maximum output range and if the P-LINK measures 5 Watts, the
analog out is 1.025 volt.

To set the max analog out range from the Settings menu, click

Set Max Analog Out Range… A dialog

box appears so that you can enter a range.

Fig. 5-12 Set Max Analog Out Range dialog box

The equation is :

Vout = Vref [ Pread/Pmao]

Where :

Vout : Output voltage of the P-LINK

Vref : 2.05 Volts

Pread : Power or Energy applied to the head and is read by P-LINK

Pmao : Power or Energy set by the user. (Set Max Analog Out Range)

5.2.10 Settings – Analog Out Delay…

In Energy mode, sets a time (from 1 to 7 seconds), after which the analog output falls back to zero after a
measurement. Set to 0 to disable the feature. Disabled by default.

5.2.11 Settings – Save As Default Layout…

Save the current state of PC-LINK windows so that they will appear the same way on subsequent PC-
LINK startups.

5.2.12 Settings - Save and Load User Settings