Gentec-EO P-LINK User Manual

Page 20

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LINK User’s Manual Revision 15.0


Gentec Electro

– Optics, Inc. All rights reserved






Total Duration

1 to 1000000000

The time period for which samples are reported (to the display
and output). Select a time period or a number of points [for
example, report statistics for 24 hours].
Often the total duration
and sample period will be the same.

PC-LINK automatically clears and recalculates the statistics at
the end of each sample period unless you manually stop it.

Total Duration



To make the statistics stop after one sample period, select “1”
and “Period.”

Time Stamp



To have a time stamp appear with the acquired data, select
“yes” and click “save”. This is a relative time stamp that always
begins at zero.

5.2.3 Settings - Corrections

The user can apply one multiplier and one offset to the detector reading. Correction factors are most
useful when sampling a percentage of a powerful laser beam or correcting for absorption along an optical
chain. The Status window displays the values of correction factors that are being applied to the
measurements. To activate the correction factor, select Corrections in the Settings Menu and then
select Multiplier or Offset. A dialog box opens where you enter the correction value in percentage or as
an absolute value. This number will then multiply, or add to the actual measured value to calculate the
corrected value. PC-LINK will then display the corrected value.

For example, if you are measuring the laser beam passing through the 99.9% back reflector of a laser
(giving 1/1000


of the real value), choose Multiplier and enter 1000 in the dialog box. PC-LINK will

display the laser’s power rather than the measured 0.1% sample on the main display.

It is also essential to make sure that the actual measured value complies with the power and energy limits
of the detector head.

Note that the Statistics are computed for the corrected values only.

To disable the correction factor, do a Settings

– Corrections – None.

5.2.4 Settings - Power Unit

The power unit item lets the user select Watt or dBm as the power measurement unit. The definition of
the dBm unit is:

dBm = Log (power in Watts/0.001W)

5.2.5 Settings - Energy Mode

This feature allows you to measure the energy contained in a single pulse with a Gentec-EO power
detector head
. This mode of operation gives access to the same options as in the case of a pyroelectric