Weld, Rail pocket rail pocket, Corrugated sheet metal deck forming – Fairbanks 12-1492 - 12-1496 A.A.R. Combination Railroad Track/MTS User Manual

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50538 Rev. 7


50538-34 Rev. 2

4: Layout the deck coping on the main beams beside each rail as shown. Position the deck
coping to provide rail clearances per the certified prints. Ensure they are straight. Clamp and
weld the deck coping as shown. Welds should be one (1) inch long, and at sixteen (16) inch
intervals more if required.

Top View of Scale






5: At the twelve (12) corner junctures of the deck coping, and at all other points, ensure there
are no gaps or openings through which redi-mix concrete can leak. Cut and weld steel plate
to cover any gaps or openings as necessary.

Corrugated Sheet Metal Deck Forming

50538-35 Rev. 2

6: Corrugated steel sheets are used for deck forming, and can be purchased in a variety of
different configurations, thickness, and dimensions. It is recommended to use steel galva-
nized sheets, 22 to 24 gauge, and 9/16 inches high. Cut the corrugation to fit tightly at the
bottom flanges of the deck coping, and overlap the adjoining sheets by three (3) feet.
Ensure all corrugation is resting on the lower flanges of the deck coping. If required, fasten
the corrugation where needed to secure it into position.