Fairbanks 12-1492 - 12-1496 A.A.R. Combination Railroad Track/MTS User Manual

Page 15

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50538 Rev. 7

1-H: Check Stands:

Check rods allow for vertical movement in order to transfer weight force to the load cells but
they do not allow for lateral or side movement. Checking stands must be level and on the
same plane. All check rods must be level within 1/100” per foot when weighbridge is at cor-
rect elevation. Grouting the check stands MUST NOT take place until the load cell base
plates are adjusted to their final height.

1-I: Weighbridge:

The weighbridge supports the loads applied to it, and transfers that weight to the load cells.
Properly installed, this transfer allows the load to be shared by all cells and keeps loading in a
vertical direction. For both safety and expediency, it is recommended to assemble the weigh-
bridge steel in sections outside of the pit, then setting the assembled sections into the pit one
at a time with a suitable capacity crane.

The weighbridge must be square and the main girders must be vertically plumb so that the
bottoms of the main girders are level. Do NOT weld the "X" bracing at the ends of the weigh-
bridge or use impact wrench on steel structure bolts until girders are in place and are plumb.

Main beams must be joined at sections so that the top flanges are level to accommodate the
track rails with full contact support without shimming. Due to steel manufacturing tolerances,
the height of the main beams may be slightly unequal making the bottom flanges uneven. If
shims are required, place between the stiffener plate and the main girder. Full contact shim-
ming is required for stiffener plates. Shims are not supplied with the scale hardware. The
resulting upper stiffener plate and top bearing plate must be level within 1/64” per foot.

1-J: Deck Construction:

The construction of the deck will cover the areas alongside and in-between the main beams
and Rails, and will provide a custom fitted concrete deck for motor truck and vehicle weigh-

All concrete workmanship shall be performed in accordance with the best practice as
described by the American Concrete Institute. The recommended slump is four to six inches
(4" to 6").

Allow concrete to cure thoroughly. Do not use, or subject the deck to any traffic until the con-
crete has attained its ultimate compressive strength of 3000 psi after 28 days.

The steel supplied for the deck construction is precut at the factory to fit an exact dimension
pit, as indicated on the prints.