Other data string customization – Fairbanks FB3000 II Operators Manual User Manual
Page 25

Section 4: Input/Output (I/O)
51220 Rev. 1
4.2.9. Other Data String Customization
Window Name
Settings Tab
RS232 COM Port Drop-down
– Selects COM Port with its settings.
Data Transmission Options*
─ Continuous
─ Demand
– Upon demand as a poll character is received
─ Auto
– A transmission is sent when requested or when the
transaction is completed.
─ To File
– The message is not transmitted, but written to a file instead.
─ Network
– Transmission via IP over a network.
Port Settings*
─ Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits
Stop Bits.
─ Checksum
– Returns a confirmation of transmission message
between computers.
─ Delimited
– Transmits data in Comma Delimited Format.
─ Multicast
– Method of networking scale weight information to other
FB3000 II instruments across a Network.
─ Map View
– Displays data in a memory mapped location.
located in th
Kernel folder
, is used to verify
memory mapped data,
─ Output to PC104
– Sends data to optional PC 104 Weight Controller
Card using the
20mA or 4-20mA outputs.
Software Hand Shaking
– A means to control data flow using software
functions for communication between two or more devices.
─ None
– Bits are sent to source computer constantly without waiting for
available receiving modem.
─ Both, Receive or Transmit
– Determines which computer(s) wait
to accept the message packets.