Teledyne 6650 - Fluorescence Probe - Oil in Water analysis system User Manual
Page 15

UV-Photo-Florescenceefinition of Terms
concentration and the background fluorescence of the process have
been characterized. Mode 1 initialization must be performed while the
fluorescence probe is immersed in the calibration (reference) sample.
In Mode 1, fluorescence calibration is based on a process sample
with a known analyte concentration. The background material for this
sample must be the process background material. The fluorescence from
the calibration (reference) sample is then used to set the midpoint of the
fluorescence scale. During Mode 1 initialization, the zero fluorescence
level is set electronically to 0 counts (display value), the midpoint range
is set to 1000 counts (display reading after initialization), and the upper
limit of the range is set to twice the midpoint value (1999 display value).
Section 5 provides details the procedure for Mode 1 initialization.
NOTE: If the Fluorescence of the process has not been
characterized, Mode 2 initialization must be performed first
followed by an application engineering study, refer to
Appendix 1 for guidance.
2.14 Mode 2 Initialization
Mode 2 initialization is a method for setting up the Fluorometer for
process monitoring and/or application engineering studies. Mode 2
initialization is used to setup the Fluorometer when the fluorescence
intensity versus analyte concentration and the background fluorescence
of the process are unknown (but the excitation/emission matrix has
been fully characterized by our application engineering
department). Characterization of the fluorescence response as a
function of analyte concentration can be performed onsite, refer to
Appendix 1 for details, or at TI in the Applications Development lab.
In Mode 2, fluorescence calibration is set electronically.
Initialization may be performed while the fluorescence probe is
immersed in any process sample, although for simplicity TI recommends
using the process background material without any analyte of interest.
This sample is commonly called the zero or blank sample. During Mode
2 initialization, the zero fluorescence level is set electronically to 0
counts (display value) and the upper limit of the range is set to the 1999
display value. Section 5 provides details the procedure for Mode 2