A&D Weighing Indicator AD-4405 User Manual
Page 46

AD-4405 Weighing Indicator
11. Hold Function
Hold Function
Hold Function
Hold Function
This function displays the hold weight data after averaging the weight data for a
specific period.
Useful to determine a living animal’s weight.
Averaging time can be set up to 9.9 seconds by a 0.1 second step.
3 methods are available to start averaging; manual start, start automatically after
stable and manual / automatic start.
Manual start is available with key switch or external input.
Serial interface commands are also available; averaging start, releasing the hold
data and outputting the hold state. Refer “16.3.4. Commands for Hold Function”.
This function can not be use under the setting with
Cf00 1111.
Averaging can not start at a displayed value smaller than +/- 5 digits.
Data when the display is over is not included for averaging.
When powered off, the hold is released automatically.
There is no peak hold function.
The Display and the Data Output of Hold and Average
The Display and the Data Output of Hold and Average
The Display and the Data Output of Hold and Average
The Display and the Data Output of Hold and Average
The weight display is blinking during the averaging period.
The output data in the averaging period is the actual weight at the time.
The weighing unit is blinking when the weight display is in the hold state.
The output data format of the hold weight data is the same as that of the normal
weight data except the header of stable state is “HD” in the response to the “RW”
or “RW,n”(n=1 or 2) command.
Relations to the Other Functions
Relations to the Other Functions
Relations to the Other Functions
Relations to the Other Functions
If automatic accumulation (f20 21) and/or auto print (f37 2, 3 f40 2, 3) is set,
accumulation and/or data output is performed after determining the hold data.
11.1.1. Setting the Hold Functions
F27 determines the method of starting the average.
f27 1
Manual start: Start the average and release with key switch
f27 2
Automatic start: After passing the inhibit region * and detect stable **,
starts the average automatically, releasing the data when the weight
returns to inhibit region.
f27 3
Both Manual start and Automatic start.
*Inhibit region
0 +/- 5digit
**Stable detection
Satisfied both f02 and f03
11. Hold Function