PASCO OS-8515C Basic Optics System User Manual
Page 8

B a s i c O p t i c s S y s t e m
A b o u t t h e E x p e r i m e n t s
Convex and Concave Lenses (page 19): Use ray tracing to determine the focal
lengths of lenses.
Hollow Lens (page 21): Use the hollow lens and water to explore how the prop-
erties of a lens are related to its shape, its index of refraction, and the index of
refraction of the surrounding medium.
Lensmaker’s Equation (page 23): Determine the focal length of a concave lens
by measuring its radius of curvature.
Apparent Depth (page 25): Measure the apparent depth of the trapezoid and
determine its index of refraction by comparing the apparent depth to the actual
Ray Table Experiments
These experiments use the Ray Table with the D-shaped
Lens and the Light Source (in ray-box mode).
10. Reversibility (page 29): Explore how the relationship between the angles of inci-
dence and refraction is related to the direction of propagation.
11. Dispersion (page 31): Show how white light is separated into colors by the
acrylic D-shaped lens and determine the different indices of refraction for red and
blue light.
Optics Bench Experiments
These experiments use the Optics Bench, Mounted
Lenses, and Viewing Screen. Experiments 12 and 17 also use the Light Source.
12. Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens (page 33): Determine the
focal length of a converging lens and measure the magnification for a certain
combination of object and image distances.
13. Focal Length and Magnification of a Concave Mirror (page 37): Determine
the focal length of a concave mirror and measure the magnification for a certain
combination of object and image distances.
14. Virtual Images (page 41): Study virtual images formed by a diverging lens and a
convex mirror.
15. Telescope (page 47): Construct a telescope and determine its magnification.
16. Microscope (page 51): Construct a microscope and determine its magnification.
17. Shadows (page 55): Show the umbra and the penumbra of a shadow.