Experiment 3: reflection, Purpose, Part 1: plane mirror procedure – PASCO OS-8515C Basic Optics System User Manual

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E x p e r i m e n t 3 : R e f l e c t i o n


Experiment 3: Reflection


In this experiment, you will study how rays are reflected from different types of mir-
rors. You will measure the focal length and determine the radius of curvature of a con-
cave mirror and a convex mirror.

Part 1: Plane Mirror



Place the light source in ray-box mode on a blank sheet of
white paper. Turn the wheel to select a single ray.


Place the mirror on the paper. Position the plane (flat) surface
of the mirror in the path of the incident ray at an angle that
allows you to clearly see the incident and reflected rays.


On the paper, trace and label the surface of the plane mirror
and the incident and reflected rays. Indicate the incoming and
the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate directions.


Remove the light source and mirror from the paper. On the
paper, draw the normal to the surface (as in Figure 3.1).


Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection. Measure these angles
from the normal. Record the angles in the first row Table 3.1.


Repeat steps 1–5 with a different angle of incidence. Repeat the procedure again
to complete Table 3.1 with three different angles of incidence.


Turn the wheel on the light source to select the three primary color rays. Shine
the colored rays at an angle to the plane mirror. Mark the position of the surface
of the plane mirror and trace the incident and reflected rays. Indicate the colors of

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source

Mirror from Ray Optics Kit

Other Required Equipment

Drawing compass


Metric ruler

White paper

Table 3.1: Plane Mirror Results

Angle of Incidence

Angle of Reflection

Incident ray

Normal to


Reflected ray

Figure 3.1