PASCO OS-8515C Basic Optics System User Manual

Page 24

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B a s i c O p t i c s S y s t e m

E x p e r i m e n t 8 : L e n s m a k e r ’ s E q u a t i o n



Trace around the surface of the lens and trace the incident and transmitted rays.
Indicate the incoming and the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate direc-


Remove the lens. To measure the focal length, use a ruler to extend the outgoing
diverging rays straight back through the lens. The focal point is where these
extended rays cross. Measure the distance from the center of the lens to the focal
point. Record the result as a negative value:

f = _______________ (measured directly)


To determine the radius of curvature, put the concave lens back in the path
of the rays and observe the faint reflected rays off the first surface of the
lens. The front of the lens can be treated as a concave mirror having a
radius of curvature equal to twice the focal length of the effective mirror
(see Figure 8.3).

Trace the surface of the lens and mark the point where the central ray hits
the surface. Block the central ray and mark the point where the two outer
rays cross. Measure the distance from the lens surface to the point where
the reflected rays cross. The radius of curvature is twice this distance.
Record the radius of curvature:

R = _______________


For this lens, it is not necessary to measure the curvature of both sides because
they are equal (R


= R


= R). Calculate the focal length of the lens using the lens-

maker’s equation (Equation 8.1). The index of refraction is 1.5 for the acrylic
lens. Remember that a concave surface has a negative radius of curvature.

f = _______________ (calculated)


Calculate the percent difference between the two values of f from step 3 and
step 5:

% difference = _______________

Concave lens

1/2 R

Figure 8.3: Reflected rays from

the lens surface