Suggested experiment – PASCO ET-8770 Energy-Transfer Friction User Manual
Page 9
Energy Transfer - Friction
Model No. ET-8770
Suggested Experiment:
Experiment 1: Using Friction to Heat a Cylinder
In this experiment, the student
pulls on a cord wrapped around a
pulley, which in turn does the
work to overcome friction
between the cord and the cylinder.
The energy created from the
friction heats the cylinder. With a
Force Sensor connected to an
interface, the computer accurately
measures the work done by the
1. Follow the setup instructions on page 5-7 of this manual.
2. Tare the Force sensor in a horizontal position with no force.
3. Cut a short section (about 2 feet) of yellow cord, and tie a loop in
each end. Hook one end to the Force Sensor and the other end to a
mass hanger.
Note: The cord may wear out after a few trials. Replace the cord
before each lab experiment.
4. In DataStudio, enter the mass and specific heat of the cylinder as
experiment constants in the heat equation.
Equipment Required
Energy Transfer Friction Apparatus
Set of Hanging Masses (SE-8759
or 8705)
Force Sensor (PS-2104 or CI-6537)
Rotary Motion Sensor (PS-2120
or CI-6538)
Temperature Sensor (PS-2515) or
CI-6505 or CI-6527A
Computer Interface
ScienceWorkshop or PASPORT)
DataStudio software (various, see
PASCO catalog)
C-clamp (SE-7285 or SE-7286)
Figure 1: Experiment