Trigger programming example, Trigger programming example 83 – Agilent Technologies N5700 User Manual
Page 83

Trigger Programming Example
Series N5700 User’s Guide
' Set the over voltage level
.WriteString "VOLT:PROT:LEV " & Str$(overVoltSetting)
' Set the current level
.WriteString "CURR " & Str$(CurrSetting)
' Turn on over current protection
.WriteString "CURR:PROT:STAT " & Str$(overCurrentOn)
' Turn the output on
.WriteString "OUTP ON"
' Measure the voltage
.WriteString "MEAS:VOLT?"
MeasureVoltString = .ReadString
MsgBox "Measured Voltage is " & MeasureVoltString
' Check instrument for any errors
.WriteString "Syst:err?"
ErrString = .ReadString
' Give message if there is an error
If Val(ErrString) Then
MsgBox "Error in instrument!" & vbCrLf & ErrString
End If
End With
End Sub
Trigger Programming Example
This example illustrates how to set up and trigger an output voltage
change. The voltage is measured before and after the trigger.
Sub main_Trig()
Dim IDN As String
Dim IOaddress As String
Dim ErrString As String
Dim msg1 As String
' This variable controls the voltage
Dim VoltSetting As Double
' This variable measures the voltage
Dim MeasureVoltString As String
' This variable controls the current
Dim CurrSetting As Double
' This variable controls the triggered voltage setting
Dim trigVoltSetting As Double
' These variables are necessary to initialize the VISA COM
Dim ioMgr As AgilentRMLib.SRMCls
Dim Instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
' The following line provides the VISA name of the GPIB interface
IOaddress = "GPIB0::5::INSTR"
' Use the following line instead for LAN communication
' IOaddress="TCPIP0::"