6 programming examples, 6 programming examples 81 – Agilent Technologies N5700 User Manual
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Series N5700 User’s Guide
Programming Examples
This chapter contains several remote interface example programs to
help you develop programs for your own application. Chapter 5,
“Language Reference” lists the syntax for the SCPI (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments).
You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
the example programs (and/or any modified version) in any way you
find useful, provided that you agree that Agilent Technologies has no
warranty, obligations, or liability for any example programs.
The example programs are in Microsoft Visual BASIC 6.0 using the
VISA COM IO library. You must first load the VISA COM library to
use these examples. The VISA COM IO library is available with
version M or later of the Agilent IO libraries for Windows.
Before using the example code in Visual BASIC, you must reference two VISA
COM objects. In Visual BASIC, go to Projects>References and select Agilent
VISA COM Resource Manager 1.0 (filename= AgtRM.dll) and VISA COM 1.0
Type Library (filename = VisaCom.tlb). To use this sample code in Visual Basic
.NET, see the VISA COM documentation to reference VISA COM in a Visual
BASIC project. Copy the code provided in this chapter and call the subroutine
for each example.
Microsoft, and Visual BASIC, and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft