PASCO PS-2169 Water Quality MultiMeasure Sensor User Manual

Page 8

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W a te r Q u a l i t y M u l ti M e a s u r e S e n s o r

D i s s o l v e d O x y g e n



Rinse the electrode with tap water (or deionized water in areas with hard tap
water) and rub it with a paper towel to dry it and remove loose silver oxide.


Follow the “Adding Filling Solution” instructions on page 6 to fill and reassem-
ble the probe.

Membrane Replacement

If the silicon membrane is damaged or not performing optimally, replace the mem-
brane cartridge as follows:


Unscrew and remove the cartridge housing at the end of the probe. Discard the
old filling solution from the cartridge housing.


Use the plunger to push the membrane cartridge into and through the housing so
that it comes out through the threaded end of the housing, as illustrated (right).


Examine the O-ring in the housing. If it is damaged, remove it with fine-tipped
tweezers and insert the replacement.


Use the plunger to push the replacement cartridge into the housing until it is
seated at the tip of the housing.


Follow the “Adding Filling Solution” instructions on page 6 to fill and reassem-
ble the probe.


Short-term (up to two weeks): Add about 10 ml of deionized water to the elec-
trode storage bottle and place it over then end of the probe. Store the probe and
bottle in a sealed plastic bag.

Long-term (over two weeks): Follow the “Electrode Cleaning” instructions
below, but do not refill the probe. Rinse the cartridge housing and storage bottle
with tap water. Allow all parts to dry before reassembling them.



Old cartridge



Remove Old Cartridge

New cartridge


Install New Cartridge