One-point calibration, Appendix b: ez screen – PASCO PS-2169 Water Quality MultiMeasure Sensor User Manual
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M o d e l N o . P S - 2 1 6 9
EZ S c r e e n
One-point Calibration
A one-point slope calibration requires one known standard. For conductivity, use one
of the solutions in Appendix C. For dissolved oxygen, use 100% humidified air (see
Calibration” on page 7 for details).
From the Sensor field, select Water Quality.
From the Measurement field, select Dissolved Oxygen
(mg/L), Dissolved Oxygen (%), Conductivity (1X Probe), or
Conductivity (10X Probe).
Ensure that “Calibrate all similar measurements simulta-
neously” is not selected.
From the Calibration Type menu, select 1 Point (Adjust Slope
Only), if it is not already selected.
Place the probe in the known standard.
Enter the known conductivity or DO
concentration in the
Standard Value field for Point 2.
Observe the Present Sensor Measurement and wait until it
has stabilized. (For conductivity, ensure that the present mea-
surement is within the selected sensor range. If it is not, press a
button on the multi-sensor to select a higher range.)
Click the Read From Sensor button for Point 2.
Click OK to accept the new calibration.
Appendix B: EZ Screen
If you are using the Water Quality MultiMeasure Sensor with a PASPORT interface
connected to a computer, you can use EZ-Screen software instead of DataStudio.
When the sensor is connected to the computer through the interface (if DataStudio is
not running) a window automatically launches giving you the option of launching
EZ-Screen. In EZ-Screen, click the green arrow button to start data collection. Click
the Water Quality icon in the lower-right corner to cycle through temperature, dis-
solved oxygen, probe voltage, conductivity, and pH measurements.
Click to start
data collection
Click to change