Appendix a: datastudio calibration, Two-point calibration – PASCO PS-2169 Water Quality MultiMeasure Sensor User Manual
Page 10
W a te r Q u a l i t y M u l ti M e a s u r e S e n s o r
D a t a S t u d i o C a l i b r a t i o n
Appendix A: DataStudio Calibration
In DataStudio, click the Setup button to open the Experiment Setup window; in that
window, click the Calibrate button to open the Calibrate Sensors dialog box. Use a
two-point calibration for temperature or pH. Use a one-point calibration (next page)
for conductivity or dissolved oxygen.
Two-point Calibration
For a two-point calibration, you will need two “known standards,” such as two buffer
solutions of known pH or two liquids of known temperature.
From the Sensor field, select Water Quality.
From the Measurement field, select Temperature or pH.
Ensure that “Calibrate all similar measurements simulta-
neously” is not selected.
From the Calibration Type menu, select 2 Point (Adjust Slope
and Offset), if it is not already selected.
Place the temperature or pH probe in the first known standard.
Enter the known temperature or pH of the standard in the
Standard Value field for Point 1.
Observe the Present Sensor Measurement and wait until it
has stabilized.
Click the Read From Sensor button for Point 1.
Place the probe in the second known standard.
10. Enter the known temperature or pH of the standard in the
Standard Value field for Point 2.
11. Observe the Present Sensor Measurement and wait until it
has stabilized.
12. Click the Read From Sensor button for Point 2.
13. Click OK to accept the new calibration.