Suggested experiments – PASCO ME-9893 Discover Free Fall Accessory User Manual
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M o d e l N o . M E - 9 8 8 9
S u g g e s t e d E x p e r i m e n t s
Suggested Experiments
Fall Time of Different Objects
Keeping the drop-height constant, measure the free-fall time of different objects.
Measure the drop height from the time-of-flight pad to the bottom of the object when
it is hanging from the drop box. (You will need to adjust the drop box position slightly
for different sized balls.) Time each ball several times to make sure you get an accu-
rate measurement.
Compare objects of various size, mass, and density.
If the only force acting on the balls is gravitational force, you would expect the fall
time to be the same for every ball. Do you find this to be the case?
Fall Time Versus Height
Time a stainless steel ball dropping from several different heights. Use as wide a
range of heights as possible.
Plot fall time (t) versus height (h). Is the relationship linear?
Plot t
versus h. Is that relationship linear?
For an object falling with constant acceleration, a, the relationship between t and h is
given by
Use your data to find a.
Repeat the procedure with the large hollow ball. Does it accelerate at a constant rate?
How can you tell?