PASCO ME-6810 Time of Flight Accessory User Manual

Page 19

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Model No. ME-6810

Time of Flight Accessory


Appendix B: DataStudio Software Instructions for Using the

Time of Flight Accessory with a



Instructions for an Initial Velocity and/or Time of Flight Study

1. For a time of flight study: Connect the stereo phone plug of the

photogate to digital channel 1 on the ScienceWorkshop interface and
the Time-of-Flight Accessory plug into digital channel 2.

For an initial speed and time of flight study: Connect the stereo

phone plug of the photogates to digital channels 1 and 2 on the
ScienceWorkshop interface and the Time-of-Flight Accessory plug
into digital channel 3.

2. Open DataStudio and create an experiment.

3. On the main toolbar, click the Setup button to open the Experiment

Setup window.

4. For a time of flight study: In the Sensors list of the Experiment

Setup window, click and drag the Photogate icon to channel 1 on
the picture of the interface and the Time of Flight icon to channel 2.

For an initial speed and time of flight study: In the Sensors list of
the Experiment Setup window, click and drag each Photogate icon
to channels 1 and 2 and the Time of Flight icon to channel 3 on the
picture of the interface.

5. Double click on the Photogate icon(s), click on the Measurement

tab click to check the State box, and click OK.

6. Double click on the Time of Flight icon, click on the Measurement

tab, click to check the State box, and click OK.

7. In the Experiment Setup window, click the Timers button to open

the Timer Setup dialog. (You will use this window to define a
timing scheme for your experiment.)

8. Click the New button (to start a new timing sequence).

9. Under “Label,” type a name for your timing sequence (i.e.”Time

between Gates” or “Time of Flight” or both if doing an initial speed
and time of flight study).

10. For a time of flight study: a) In the Timing Sequence menu for

channel 1, click on the down arrow for channel 1 and select
“blocked” to start the timing when the photogate beam becomes

For more information
about using photogates
or timing devices with
DataStudio, see the
DataStudio online help.