Preparing the meter for calibration – Nova-Tech pH 310 User Manual
Page 7

pH 300 meter calibration
capable of up to 5-point pH calibration to ensur
e accuracy acr
the entir
e pH range of the meter
. Select fr
om the following buf
fer options:
pH 1.68, 4.01, 7.00, 10.01, and 12.45.
The meter automatically r
ecognizes and calibrates to these standar
d buf
fer values,
which makes pH calibration faster and easier
pH 310 meter calibration
The pH 310 meter featur
es thr
ee separate buf
fer sets. Select the buf
fer set you r
e in
Set Up mode Pr
ogram 4.0 (see page 34 for mor
e information). The pH 310 meter is
capable of up to 6-point pH calibration, depending on the buf
fer set. Select fr
om the
following buf
fer options:
fers (pH 1.68, 4.01, 7.00, 10.01, 12.45)
NIST buf
fers (pH 1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 9.18, 12.45)
DIN buf
fers (pH 1.09, 3.06, 4.65, 6.79, 9.23, 12.75)
The meter automatically r
ecognizes and calibrates to these standar
d buf
fer values,
which makes pH calibration faster and easier
For information on how to calibrate your meter:
• See section 4.3 on pages 14-15 for pH calibration
• See section 4.4 on page 16 for Relative mV calibration
See section 4.5 on pages 17 for T
e Calibration of r
e pr
obes or r
eplacement “All-in-One” electr
Preparing the Meter for Calibration
e starting calibration, make sur
e you ar
e in the corr
ect measur
ement mode.
When you switch on the meter
, the meter starts up in the units last used. For
example, if you shut the meter of
f in "mV" units, the meter will r
ead "mV" units
when you switch the meter on.
Be sure to remove the protective electrode storage bottle or rubber cap of the
probe before calibration or measurement.
If the electr
ode has been stor
ed dry
wet the pr
obe in tap water for 10 minutes befor
e calibrating or taking r
eadings to
saturate the pH electr
ode surface and minimize drift.
ash your pr
obe in deionized water after use, and stor
e in electr
ode storage solu-
tion. If storage solution is not available, use pH 4.0 or 7.0 buf
Do not r
euse buf
fer solutions after calibration. Contaminants in the solution can
fect the calibration, and eventually the accuracy of the measur
See page 41
for information on our high-quality OAKT
ON pH buf
4. Calibration
Important Information on Meter Calibration
When you r
ecalibrate your meter
, old pH, Rel mV and mV calibration points ar
e r
eplaced on
a point by point basis. For example, if you pr
eviously calibrated your meter at pH 4.01, 7.00,
and 10.01, and you r
ecalibrate at pH 7.00, the meter r
etains the old calibration data at
pH 4.01 and pH 10.01. T
o view curr
ent calibration points, see Pr
ogram P2.0 in the SETUP
section, page 29.
completely r
ecalibrate your meter
, or when you use a r
eplacement pr
obe, it is best to set
the meter to its factory defaults and r
ecalibrate the meter at all points. T
o r
eset the meter to
its factory defaults, see the SETUP section Pr
ogram P5.0, page 36 (for pH 300 meter) or
ogram P6.0, page 39 (for pH 310 meter).
4.1 Tel: (281) 359-8538 Toll Free:(86
6) 433-6682