Avaya 4630 User Manual
Page 96

Stock Ticker Option
4630/4630SW IP Telephone Options
Issue 2.0 December 2003
1. To set up or modify the stock ticker, select Stock Ticker Set-Up from the
Stock Ticker Options and Preferences screen.
The Stock Ticker Administration screen displays.
2. Select the button to which you want to add/modify a stock symbol.
When activated, the ticker displays your selected symbols in
top-to-bottom, left-to-right order.
The Stock Ticker Keyboard screen displays with the cursor in the Stock
quote symbol field.
3. Using the keyboard, select the letters for the desired symbol. If you are
modifying an existing symbol, press Clear and select a new entry, or
overtype the existing symbol.
4. Verify that the entry is correct.
5. To save your selection, select Save. To exit without making a change,
select Cancel.
The Stock Ticker Administration screen re-displays.
6. To add one or more indices to your ticker, select the appropriate
The selected Index button is highlighted to indicate “enabled” status.
7. Select either Change or Volume (or both) to indicate whether you want the
change from the previous day’s closing price and/or the current day’s
trading volume of your selected stocks/indices to display on the ticker.
When viewing your stock ticker, the current price always displays in
black. Any Change displays in green (a gain) or red (a loss), and the
Volume displays in blue.
The appropriate button is highlighted to indicate “enabled” status.
8. Repeat Steps 1-5 for every stock symbol you want to track.
9. When all desired symbols have been specified, select Save to save all your
selections. To exit without making a change, select Cancel.
The Stock Ticker Options and Preferences screen displays.
For information on the Stock Ticker display, see