MP Pumps S300, S600, S700, & FM40 PUMPS INSTRUCTION User Manual

MP Pumps Pumps

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Instruction Bulletin

Series 300, 700, and FLOMAX 40 PUMPS

MOUNTING THE PUMP - Close-coupled
pumps are assembled into a rigid unit and
should be bolted down securely. The close-
coupled pump can be mounted in any posi-
tion. However, when mounted in other than
horizontal position, the pump motor must be
located above the pump so that liquid leak-
age will not damage the motor.

Pedestal or foot mounted pumps with grease
lubricated bearings can be mounted in any po-
sition. The bearing housing must be above
the pump in any non-horizontal application to
prevent bearing damage due to liquid leakage.
The pedestal or foot mounted pumps, when
provided with driver and a coupling, are
mounted on a steel base plate which accom-
modates both pump and driver. Although the
components have been aligned accurately
at the factory, the alignment must be re-
checked after the unit has been set in place
at the job site.

PIPING - Do not allow the pump to carry the
weight of piping. Both suction and discharge
piping should be supported independently at
a point near the pump. Piping must be installed
carefully so that it will not be necessary to force
it into place when connecting to the pump.
Use slip joints or flexible connectors where long
discharge lines are being used or lines that
are subject to wide temperature ranges. Flex-
ible connectors also help to prevent transmis-
sion of noise and vibrations.

SUCTION PIPING - Place pump as close to
the liquid source as possible. The suction line
should be short, and large, with as few fittings
as possible and with smooth long radius el-
bows, where space permits, to keep friction
loss at a minimum. When necessary, a good
strainer or foot valve for priming should be
used. A valve is usually included in the suc-
tion line to facilitate servicing the pump. Suc-
tion piping must be absolutely free of leaks.

Also a careful check must be made to be sure
that the pump’s required net positive suction
head (NPSH


) is available. When the suction

line draws liquid from an open sump, its lower
end should be submerged sufficiently so that air
is not drawn into the line by vortex action.


f a reducer is used between piping and pump,

reducer should be eccentric type with the flat side
on top to prevent air from being trapped in the
suction line. Piping should always slope up to
the pump with no high spots to trap air.

DISCHARGE PIPING - To minimize friction
losses, care should be taken in sizing, layout,
number of fittings, etc. of discharge pipeline. A
gate valve should be installed in discharge line
to control pump flow and to allow servicing of
pump without having to drain the discharge line
and any connected vessels. The discharge valve
should be open during self-priming start-up for
the FLOMAX 40.


Centrifugal pumps must be primed before they
will start pumping. Fill the suction line and pump
and enough of the discharge line to establish a
liquid level one or two feet above the top of the
pump case. Turn the pump shaft by hand so
that air trapped within the immpeller can escape.

The FLOMAX 40 is a self-priming pump. The
pump case must be filled with water for initial
start-up. The suction line of this pump does not
have to be filled as the pump will evacuate the
air from the line when it performs its self-priming

Make sure that the gate valve between the suc-
tion of the pump and the source of supply is open.

FORM 3021-D (10/04)