CTI Products PCLTA PCI Interface User Manual
Page 23
PCLTA Installation Manual
PCLTA Initialization & Testing
CTI Products, Inc.
An error will be reported if an attempt is made to view the transceiver type
before the PCLTA is initialized. Testing the card with the Diagnostics
button, as suggested by the error message, produces the diagnosis: “Image
file not found”. In this case, return to the control panel’s main dialog box
and initialize the PCLTA by clicking on the “Apply” button.
Click the “Diagnostics” button, and the following diagnostics window will
Click the “Test” button, and the diagnostics will be updated with message
statistics, indicating the PCLTA is functioning correctly.
Close the Diagnostics window and also the “LonWorks Plug ‘n Play”
utility window.
See also other documents in the category CTI Products Computer Accessories:
- MCN RCD System Overview (46 pages)
- MCN RCD System Planner (53 pages)
- RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display (2 pages)
- RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display (119 pages)
- RCD Client-Server (2 pages)
- RCD Advanced Client-Server (169 pages)
- RCD Advanced Client-Server (2 pages)
- MCN Server 8000 (3 pages)
- MCN Server 8000 (232 pages)
- EXB Network Manager (48 pages)
- HIB-IP IP Interface (2 pages)
- HIB-IP IP Interface (36 pages)
- HIB-232 Serial Interface (2 pages)
- HIB-232 Serial Interface (19 pages)
- PCLTA PCI Interface (2 pages)
- IIB Console Interface (2 pages)
- IIB Console Interface (26 pages)
- CIB Comparator Interface (2 pages)
- CIB Comparator Interface (40 pages)
- AIB AstroTAC Interface (2 pages)
- AIB AstroTAC Interface (19 pages)
- EXB-IM PSTN System Extender (4 pages)
- EXB-IP Ethernet System Extender (63 pages)
- EXB-IM PSTN System Extender (31 pages)
- GPIO General Purpose I/O Interface (3 pages)
- GPIO General Purpose I/O Interface (26 pages)
- GPIO-CVT Buffer/Logic Converter (2 pages)
- IOB I/O Interface (33 pages)
- CHIB CommandSTAR Lite Host Interface Module (22 pages)
- CCU Channel Control Unit (24 pages)
- CCU-2 Channel Control Unit (21 pages)
- RYB-8 Relay Board (2 pages)
- RYB-8 Relay Board (17 pages)
- Quad Router Panel (2 pages)
- OTAL On-the-Air Driver Assembly (22 pages)
- OTAL On-the Air Terminal Board and Lamp (14 pages)
- DC Distribution Panel (9 pages)
- TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix (2 pages)
- TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix (97 pages)
- TIB TSAM Interface (2 pages)
- TIB TSAM Interface (24 pages)
- TurboVUi Solo Client Software (1 page)
- TurboVUi Solo Client Software (12 pages)
- TurboVUi Solo Client Software (16 pages)