Chapter 1: about this guide, How to use this guide – CognitiveTPG A760 User Manual
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A760-D100 10/04
189-9200303 Rev. D A760 Two-Color Thermal/Impact Hybrid Printer: User Guide
Chapter 1: About this Guide
Chapter 1: About this Guide
How to use this guide
The guide is designed to help you find the information you need quickly and easily, whether you are installing,
servicing, or making adjustments to an TPG, Inc. printer. The chapter headings are self-explanatory, and the index at
the back can also point you in the right direction.
For basic printer setup, refer to Chapter 3: Setting up the Printer. This section has been written under the
assumption that the printer will arrive pre-configured. For instructions on checking the configuration or reconfiguring
the printer, look in Chapter 4: Using the Printer.
Having problems? Check the troubleshooting section in the back of Chapter 4.
Need paper specs? Look in Chapter 5: Paper and Supplies.
Where to find advanced technical
Since TPG, Inc. printers are shipped pre-configured and
have been designed to operate with no maintenance,
this guide provides only essential technical and
configuration information. TPG, Inc. also has a
programming supplement for this printer with more
detailed discussion of programming capabilities. The
A760 Programming Supplement has been developed
as a companion to the User Guide and includes
additional programming information. The A760 Service
Guide is available to qualified service technicians who
have been certified
by TPG, Inc. to perform advanced procedures.
Because of the printer’s wide array of printing
capabilities, you may prefer to contact TPG, Inc. support
for more assistance.
Download manuals
The A760 Setup Guide, A760 User Guide,
and A760 Programming Supplement can be
downloaded from the TPG, Inc. Web site in .pdf
format:, in the “Service
and Support” window.
For more advanced procedures and troubleshooting, you
may need to refer to the printer’s programming
or service guides or speak to TPG, Inc. technical
support. Your TPG, Inc. representative is also able to
provide you with necessary information.
Additional information about TPG, Inc.’s products
and services is posted on the TPG, Inc. Web site, at The Web site can also
direct you to service and support within your area,
or e-mail: [email protected].