KT&C KVR-1601S User Manual
Page 97

97 Instant Playback
Instant playback is available in both Live1 and Live2 pane, but screen capture is available in either live1 or live2.
After right mouse click, move the mouse cursor to “Instant Playback”. Then, play and setup menu will display.
- Play: The recorded video of the pre-setup time will be displayed in the playback viewer.
- Setup: The time of instant playback can be setup in this menu, from 1minute to 3hours.
(1Min, 3Min, 5Min, 10Min, 15Min, 30Min, 1Hour, 3Hour. The default time is 3Min.)
Users can also set up the Instant playback in the menu, “Local Setup – Environment”.
The image capture is supported in the instant playback viewer by clicking right mouse button on “Capture Image.”
For more detailed information of captured image, please refer to the Chapter “Screen capture & Image”. Digital Zoom
To use digital Zoom, please make the display as 1CH.
Right click on the mouse and select Enter Digital Zoom.
To zoom in and out, please use the display function at the corner of the channel Display or click and drag the area wish to
zoom in.
Zoom area can be moved by dragging the position from the corner box.