3 automatic calibration solution (10 ppm na), Reagent preparation – Hach-Lange POLYMETRON 9245 User Manual User Manual
Page 118

Reagent Preparation
Standard Solution 100 ppb
This solution is of LOW concentration for manual calibration and verification samples.
Rinse at least 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (“A” class) with ultra pure water. The cleanliness
of the flask is essential.
Measure very precisely 10 mL of the 10 ppm Na solution with a micro-pipette or a glass
pipette (“A” class and well rinsed beforehand) and put it inside this volumetric flask.
Add ultra pure water to the line delimiting the final volume of 1L and shake it.
Before transferring into the storage canister, rinse it well with ultra pure water a first time
and with a small fraction of the 100 ppb Na solution a second time.
Transfer to the storage canister (label & date).
Standard Solution 1000 ppb
This solution is of HIGH concentration for manual calibration and verification samples.
Rinse at least 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (“A” class) with ultra pure water. The cleanliness
of the flask is essential.
Measure very precisely 100 mL of the 10 ppm Na solution with a micro-pipette or a glass
pipette (“A” class and well rinsed beforehand) and put it inside this volumetric flask.
Add ultra pure water to the line delimiting the final volume of 1L and shake it.
Before transferring into the storage canister, rinse it well with ultra pure water a first time
and with a small fraction of the 1000 ppb Na solution a second time.
Transfer to the storage canister (label & date).
The HIGH and LOW standard solutions are typically ten times different in sodium concentration
for an accurate calibration and an immediate understanding in slope changes.
Any concentration difference can be used with the requirement that the HIGH solution should be
at least five times the concentration of the LOW solution. It is necessary to have a significant
change in electrode output to achieve an accurate calibration.
13.3 Automatic Calibration Solution (10 ppm Na)
Rinse at least 3 times a 1L volumetric flask (“A” class) with ultra pure water. The cleanliness
of the flask is essential.
Measure very precisely 10 mL of the previous solution (1 g/L) with a micro-pipette or a glass
pipette (“A” class and well rinsed beforehand) and put it inside the volumetric flask.
Add ultra pure water to the line delimiting the final volume of 1L and shake it.
Before transferring into the canister for this solution (label C) on the analyzer, rinse it well
with ultra pure water a first time and with a small fraction of the 10ppm Na solution a second
If you have too much of this solution for this bottle, rinse another plastic bottle and store it in
there (label & date).