Cashco CA-2 User Manual
Page 4

8. Remove diaphragm gasket (12) for metal dia-
phragm (11). NOTE: No diaphragm gas ket
(12) for composition diaphragm (11).
9. Clean body (1) and di a phragm fl ange. NOTE:
On reg u la tors origi nally sup plied as “oxygen
clean”, Option -5 or Option -55, main tenance
must in clude a level of clean li ness equal to
Cash co's clean ing stan dard #S-1134. Con -
tact fac to ry for de tails.
10. Reassemble diaphragm subassembly by
plac ing plug gasket (13), diaphragm(s) (11),
pres sure plate (10) and lock washer (8) over
thread ed post of plug (14). En sure the pres-
sure plate (10) is placed with curved outer
rim down next to the di a phragm (11) surface.
Place a thread seal ant com pound similar to
Loctite #271 on the threads of the plug's (14)
post prior to tightening the pressure plate nut
(7) to the fol low ing torque values:
15. Reinstall
just ing screw (3) with locknut (4)
into the spring chamber (2).
16. Pressurize with air and spray liquid leak de-
tec tor to inspect entire body (1) and spring
cham ber (2) for leakage. En sure that an inlet
pres sure is main tained dur ing this leak test
of at least mid-range spring level; i.e. 40-90
psig (2.8-6.2 Barg) range spring, 65 psig (4.5
Barg) test pres sure min i mum.
C. Trim Replacement
1. Trim inspection requires the diaphragm
sub as sem bly be removed. Refer to previous
pro ce dure, Sec tion VI.B.
2. Inspect inside surface of seat ring (15) and
seating surface of plug (14). If seating surface
shows signs of erosion/wear, the seat ring
(15) and plug (14) should be replaced.
3. Clean body (1) cavity. Clean all parts to be
reused. NOTE: On regulators originally sup-
plied as “oxygen clean”, Option -5 or Option
-55, main te nance must include a lev el of
clean li ness equal to Cashco's clean ing stan-
dard #S-1134. Contact factory for de tails.
4. Inspect the surface in the body (1) cavity
where seat ring (15) rests. If surface area of
either mating part shows signs of erosion/
wear, re place with new regulator.
5. Place seat ring (15) in center of body (1) cav-
ity. Ensure that the shoulder on outer edge of
seat ring (15) faces up towards the di a phragm
6. Reinstall diaphragm subassembly per Sec-
tion VI.B., Diaphragm Replacement.
7. Bench test unit for suitable operation. NOTE:
Reg u la tors are not tight shut off devices.
Even if pressure falls below setpoint, a reg u-
la tor may or may not develop bubble tight
shut off. In general, tighter shut off can be
ex pect ed with composition seat.
8. Pressurize with air and spray liquid leak de-
tec tor to inspect entire body (1) and spring
cham ber (2) for leakage. Test pressure
should be the max i mum allowed by the range
spring at the inlet.
Model Torque
20-25 Ft-lbs.
27-34 N-m
25-30 Ft-lbs.
34-40 N-m
Sizes Diaphragm
60 In-lbs. 6.8 N-m
Composition 15 In-lbs. 1.7 N-m
Use only gaskets supplied by Cashco, Inc.
for these products.
11. Place diaphragm gasket (12) on body
(1), then in sert the di a phragm sub as -
sem bly into the body (1).
12. Place diaphragm stop (9) and range
spring (6) over the pres sure plate nut
(7) of the di a phragm sub as sem bly.
13. Place multi-purpose, high temperature
grease into de pres sion of spring button
(5) where ad just ing screw (3) bears. Set
spring but ton (5) onto range spring (6);
en sure spring button (5) is laying fl at.
14. Rotate the spring chamber (2) CW by
hand into the threaded portion of the
body (1) as sur ing not to cross thread.
Continue hand ro tat ing CW until fi rmly
seated against the di a phragm stop (9).
Wrench tight en se cure ly to the following
torque values: