Cashco CA-2 User Manual

Page 2

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connection(s). Fluid will relieve out the bottom
con nec tion for Angle or Flow-Thru design and out
the other side con nec tion for Globe design (side
inlet-side out let).

9. Regulator may be installed in a vertical or hor i -

zon tal pipe.

10a. Basic Regulator - (Refer to Figure 1): Regulator

may be rotated around the pipe axis 360°. Rec om-
mend ed position is with spring chamber ver ti cal

downwards. Orient such that the spring cham ber
(2) vent hole does not collect rainwater.

10b. Cryogenic Regulator, Opt-5 – Recommended in -

stal la tion is in horizontal line with spring chamber
(2) oriented downwards below the body (1).

11. Regulators are not to be direct buried un der -


12. For insulated piping systems, the rec om men da -

tion is to not insulate the regulator.

7. Observing the inlet (upstream) pressure gauge,

simultaneously ro tate the adjusting screw (3)
clock wise (CW) slowly and begin to close the
bypass valve, if installed, until the inlet pres sure
be gins to rise. Ro tate adjusting screw (3) CW until
the de sired set point is reached.

8. Continue to slowly open the inlet (upstream block

valve. If the inlet (upstream) pressure exceeds
the desired setpoint pressure, rotate the ad just ing
screw (3) CCW until the pres sure decreases.

9. When

fl ow is established steady enough that both

the outlet and inlet block valves are fully open, en-
sure that the bypass valve is closed, if in stalled.

10. Develop system fl ow to a level near its expected

normal rate, and reset the regulator setpoint by
turn ing the ad just ing screw (3) CW to increase
inlet pressure, or CCW to reduce inlet pressure.

11. Reduce system fl ow to a minimum level and ob -

serve setpoint. Inlet pressure will rise from the
setpoint of Step 9. (Assure that this rise does not
exceed the stated upper limit of the range spring
(6) by greater than 50% i.e. 40-90 psig (2.8 - 6.2
Barg) range spring (6), at maximum fl ow the inlet
pressure should not exceed 1.5 x 90 psig (6.2
Barg), or 135 psig (9.3 Barg). If it does, consult

12. Increase

fl ow to maximum lev el, if possible. Inlet

(up stream or P


) pressure should fall off. Re ad just

setpoint as necessary at the normal fl ow rate.


1. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass valve

may be used to maintain inlet pressure in the
up stream system without changing the fol low ing

2. Relax the range spring (6) by turning the adjusting

screw (3) counter clockwise (CCW) a minimum of
three (3) full revolutions. This reduces the inlet
(up stream) pres sure setpoint.

3. If it is a “hot” piping system, and equipped with

a bypass valve, slowly open the bypass valve
to pre-heat the system piping and to allow slow
ex pan sion of the piping. Closely monitor inlet
(up stream) pres sure via gauge to assure not
over-pressurizing. NOTE: If no bypass valve is
in stalled, extra caution should be used in starting
up a cold system; i.e. do everything slowly.

4. Crack open the inlet (upstream) block valve.

5. Slowly open the outlet (downstream) block valve

ob serv ing the inlet (upstream) pressure gauge.
De ter mine if the regulator is fl owing. If not, slowly
rotate the regulator adjusting screw (3) clockwise
(CW - viewed from spring chamber (2) top) until
fl ow begins.

6. Continue to slowly open the outlet (downstream)

block valve until fully open.



the diaphragm (11) down, closing the port; as inlet
pres sure in creas es, the diaphragm (11) push es
up and the port opens.

2. A complete diaphragm (11) failure will cause the

reg u la tor to fail closed.

1. Movement occurs as pressure variations register

on the diaphragm (11). The registering pressure
is the inlet, P


, or upstream pressure. The range

spring (6) opposes diaphragm (11) movement. As
inlet pressure drops, the range spring (6) pushes


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