Cashco 5381 User Manual

Page 4

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12. Place the range spring (17) over the pres sure

plate nut (10) of the diaphragm subassembly.

13. Apply a small amount of process compatible

anti-seeze into de pres sion of spring but ton (5)
where ad just ing screw (8) bears. Set spring
button (5) onto range spring (17); ensure spring
button (5) is laying fl at on top of the spring.

14. Inspect body (1) and spring chamber (2)

threads for debris. NOTE: Apply a small
amount of process compatible anti-seeze to
spring cham ber (2) threads to prevent gall ing.

Ro tate the spring cham ber (2) CW by hand into
the threaded portion of the body (1) ensuring to
not cross thread. Tighten spring chamber (2) to
body (1) con nec tion to a 30–35 Ft-lbs (41–47
Nm) torque value

15. Reinstall adjusting knob (30) with lock nut (11)

into the spring chamber (2).

16. Pressurize with air and spray liquid leak de tec -

tor to test around body (1) and spring cham ber
(2) for leakage. Ensure that an outlet pressure
is maintained dur ing this leak test of at least
mid-range spring level; i.e. 20-80 psig (1.4–5.5
Barg) range spring, 50 psig (3.4 Barg) test pres -
sure minimum.

C. Trim Replacement

NOTE: When piston (15) assemblies are
used with comp seats, Cashco, Inc. does
not rec om mend attempting to remove the
comp seat. If composition seat is dam aged,
re place entire pis ton assembly.

4. Clean

fl at mating surfaces of body (1) to body

cap (6) shoulder. Be careful not to scratch
either surface.

5. Clean debris from within the body (1) cavity.

Clean all parts to be reused according to
owner's procedures. NOTE: Main te nance
must in clude a level of clean li ness equal to
Cash co clean ing stan dard #S-1576. Con-
tact fac to ry for de tails.

6. Place the piston (16), stem fi rst, into the

body cap (6) cavity.

7. Place piston spring (7) over spring hub of the

piston (16).

8. Place o-ring (29) in body cap (6).

9. Apply a small amount of process compat-

ible anti-seeze to the body cap (6) threads.
Thread body cap (6) into body (1). Impact
until body cap is metal to metal against body.

10. Bench test unit for suitable operation.

NOTE: Regulators are not tight shutoff de-
vic es. Even if pressure builds up be yond set
point, a reg u la tor may or may not develop
bubble tight shutoff.
In general, tighter shut-
off can be ex pect ed with com po si tion seat.

11. Pressurize with air and spray liquid leak de-

tec tor to test around body cap (6) and body
(1) for leakage. Test pres sure should be a
mini mum of 100 psig (6.9 Barg) at the inlet.

1. Secure body (1) in a vise with the body cap

(6) oriented up and the spring chamber (2)
directed down wards.

2. Remove body cap (6) by rotating CCW.

Remove o-ring (29).

3. Remove piston spring (7) and piston (16).

Note: The seat and piston (16) guide are
integral parts of the body (1) cast ing. Inspect
integral seat and parts for ex ces sive wear,
espe cially at seating surfaces. Replace if
worn, nicked or de pressed. If integral seat
is nicked, use seat lapping com pound to
re move.

To prevent damage to body, use soft jaws when
clamping body in a vise. Position body so that
vise does not close over inlet and outlet con-