Cashco PGR-1 User Manual
Page 8

11. Engage threads of the adjusting screw (47)
into the spring chamber (32) three or four
revolutions and place the spring chamber
over the spring button and spring.
12. Align the match marks on the body and spring
chamber fl anges. NOTE: Vent hole in the
spring chamber should be directly above the
"sense port in the body.
13. Place fl ange bolts through holes in spring
chamber and body and engage nuts (51).
Tighten nuts evenly in a star crossing pattern.
Apply 15 - 18 ft-lbs. torque to fi nsih tightening.
Ensure to secure the name plate (53) under
one of the fl ange bolts (49) above the "inlet"
of the pilot.
14. Rotate adjusting screw (47) CW into the spring
chamber (32) to where the nut (48) comes in
contact with the top of the spring chamber.
Pilot valve set pressure should approach
the set point prior to removal from the piping
installation. Retighten nut (48).
I. Mounting Pilot Valve to Main Valve:
1. Place the bolt holes for the mounting bracket
over the the two longer bolts (23) installed
throught the top of the cover dome (2). Engage
the fi nal two nuts (24) and secure tight.
2, Re-install
fi ttings that previously
connected the inlet fi lter to the stablizer, the
cover dome to the metering valve and the
outlet of the metering valve to the outlet of
the body.
3. Re-connect the external sensing line to the
pilot valve sensing port.
J. Changing
fi lter element:
1. See Section IV.
2. Unscrew
fi lter cover from the body. Re-
move old element and replace with new ele-
3. Screw cover on fi lter body and secure tight.
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to per form ing any
maintenance, isolate the reg u la tor from the system and
relieve all pressure. Failure to do so could result in per-
sonal injury.
Inlet Filter
K. Disassembly of the Stabilizer:
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are
based upon re mov al of the stabilizer from
the pilot. Shut down system in accordance
Section VI.
2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for
removal, handling, cleaning and disposal of
non reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.
3. Loosen fi ting and remove tubing that con-
nect the inlet fi lter to the stablizer, Remove
stabilizer from fi ttings that run between the
stabilizer and the pilot.
4. Securely stabilizer body (61) in a vise with
the spring chamber (62) oriented upwards
SPRING UNDER COMPRESSION. Prior to re mov ing the
spring chamber, relieve spring com pres sion by back ing
out the adjusting screw. Fail ure to so so may result in
fl ying parts that could cause personal injury.
To prevent damage to body, use soft jaws when securng
the body in a vise. Position so that vise closes over the
inlet and the outlet connections.