Cashco 1000 HP Basic User Manual
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vertical pipe line. Rec om mend ed po si tion is with
spring cham ber ver ti cal upwards. Orient to pre-
vent the spring cham ber vent hole from col lect ing
rain wa ter or debris.
11. Regulators are not to be direct buried under-
12. For insulated piping systems, recommen dation is
to not insulate regulator.
13. Cashco does not recommend fi eld welding on the
cyl in der (inlet) end of the body due to the pos si bil-
i ty of warpage.
1. The Model 1000 is available in two variations:
1000LP (larger diaphragm) for downstream pres-
sure control from 1-30 psig (0.07-2.06 Barg);
1000HP (small er diaphragm) for down stream
pressure control from 10-300 psig (0.7-20.6
Barg), body size dependent.
2. Movement occurs as pressure variations reg ister
on the diaphragm. The registering pres sure is
the outlet, P
, or downstream pressure. The
range spring opposes di a phragm move ment. As
out let pressure drops, the range spring push es
the diaph ragm down, opening the port; as outlet
pressure increases, the dia phragm pushes up
and the port closes.
3. The Model 1000 includes a rocker arm in its op-
er a tion al mechanism. The rocker arm allows the
regulator to operate fl ow-to-open (FTO), rather
than conventional fl ow-to-close (FTC), which
increases rangeability.
4. Due to the FTO design, there is a limit as to how
low of a downstream (P
or outlet) pressure level
setting is capable for a given inlet P
This is a function of the ratio of the port area to
diaphragm area. It is possible for there to be too
high of an inlet pressure for the regulator to close
off against. (Refer to 1000-TB, Tables 9 through
12 for limits.) Reduced ports, Option 1000-12,
allow lower down stream (P
or outlet) pressure
settings for a given up stream (P
or inlet) pres sure
5. The FTO design also is limited by a minimum
pres sure drop. If the pressure drop is below 5
psid, an Option 1000-17 piston spring should be
utilized to assist open ing the piston.
6. The Model 1000 includes an aspiration jet ef-
fect, due to the clearance of the piston from the
body near the outlet. These clear ances vary as
to whether the fl uid is a gas (including steam), a
liquid, or a viscous liquid (requires Option 1000-
27). Jets must be se lec ted to match one of these
three general fl uids. An improper jet selection will
reduce perfor mance.
7. A complete diaphragm failure will cause the regu-
lator to fail open.
1. Start with the block valves closed. A bypass
valve may be used to maintain outlet pressure
in the downstream system without changing the
fol low ing steps.
2. Relax the range spring by turning the adjusting
screw counterclockwise (CCW) a min i mum of
three (3) full revolutions. This re duces the outlet
(down stream) pres sure set point.
7. In placing thread sealant on pipe ends prior to
en gage ment, ensure that excess material is re-
moved and not allowed to enter the regulator upon
8. Flow Direction: Install so the fl ow direction
match es the arrow cast on the body.
9. For best performance, install in well drained hor i-
zon tal pipe, properly trapped if a steam ser vice
10. Basic regulator may be rotated around the pipe
axis 360°
, and may be installed in a horizontal or
3. If it is a “hot” piping system, and equipped with
a bypass valve, slowly open the bypass valve
to pre-heat the system piping and to allow slow
expansion of the piping. Ensure proper steam
trap operation if installed. Closely monitor out let
(downstream) pressure via gauge to ensure not
over-pressurizing. NOTE: If no bypass valve is
installed, extra caution should be used in start ing
up a cold system; i.e. do everything slowly.