Cashco POSR-2 User Manual
Page 2

10. See Figure 2 for installation ori en ta tion for
hor i zon tal or vertical piping. For best per for -
mance Cashco rec om mends in stall ing in a well
drained horizontal pipe, prop er ly trapped.
Position “H”: Horizontal Pipe. Re quires user
to in stall sensing line on down stream pip-
Position “VD”: Vertical pipe with down wards
fl ow direction. Requires user to install
sensing line on down stream pip ing.
Position “VU”: Vertical pipe with up wards
fl ow di rec tion. Pilot valve and main valve
shipped as separate units. Re quires user
to install pilot valve at down stream pipe tap
with a pipe nipple (not provided), provide
and install tub ing (4 tube fi ttings and two 4
ft (1.2 m) lengths of 1/4" OD copper tubing
supplied) to load ing cham ber tap and to
body tap from pilot valve.
11. Recommended installation is with pilot valve
spring chamber vertical upwards. Orient such
that the spring chamber vent hole does not
collect rainwater or debris.
12. Regulators are not to be buried under-
13. For insulated piping systems, rec om men da tion
is to not insulate regulator.
ing down stream. This increases the loading
pres sure on the main valve’s plug and opens
valve. Partially closing the pilot valve’s plug will
reduce its fl ow to less than the amount bleed ing
downstream, and allows the loading pres sure
on the main valve’s piston to decay, allowing
partial closing of the main valve’s plug. This
continues until steady-state is de vel oped.
4. The pilot valve’s diaphragm(s) senses the
down stream (P
) pressure and compares
the force generated to the force developed
by the pilot’s range spring.
5. If, during operation, the downstream (P
pres sure falls below the pilot valve’s setpoint,
the main valve’s piston senses the reduced
pres sure on its underside and instantly moves
down, increasing the fl ow through the main
valve. At the same time, the pilot valve senses
the reduced pressure and the pilot valve’s plug
7. In placing thread sealant on pipe ends prior
to en gage ment, assure that excess material
is removed and not allowed to enter the reg u -
la tor upon start-up.
8. Flow Direction. Install so the fl ow direction
match es the fl ow arrow on the body.
9. The POSR-2 comes factory piped between
the pilot supply and pilot loading. Install an
external sensing line from the 1/4" NPT con-
nec tion opposite the factory piped pilot load ing
port to a point downstream at gauge location;
use 1/4" OD metal tubing for dis tanc es 4 ft
(1.2 m) or less, and 3/8" OD metal tubing (re-
quires 1/4" x 3/8" tubing adapter) for distances
greater than 4 ft. (1.2 m). The sensing line
should always be sloped down ward so that
condensation will drain away from the pilot.
If regulator pipe line is ex pand ing to a larger
pipe line, always connect sens ing line to the
larger pipe line.
A. General:
1. The POSR-2 pilot obtains its operating me di um
from the main valve body inlet. Down stream
pressure (P
) registers on the un der side of
the main valve’s piston and the pilot valve’s
2. The loading pressure on the top side of the
main valve’s piston is an intermediate pres sure
higher than the downstream (P
) pres sure by
the sum of the pressures required to overcome
the main valve’s plug unbalance force and the
piston spring’s force.
3. The pilot has a bleed orifi ce that continu-
ously bleeds part of the loading medium
down stream. In op er a tion, the pilot valve’s
plug can fl ow more medium than is bleed-
VALVE FROM TEST. The upper range spring pressure
level listed on the nameplate is the rec om mend ed “upper
operative limit” for the sens ing diaphragm(s) in the pilot.
Higher pres sures could cause internal damage. In addition,
note on the name plate that the Inlet and Outlet pressure
and tem per a ture ratings are at different levels.