Cashco POSR-2 User Manual

Page 13

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5. Remove hose from open end of jar. Open valve

#2. Close valve #1. Place hose end back into
jar. Follow a similar pro ce dure as in article
4. previous, to leak test the Cylinder (3)-to-
Seal Ring (12) seal. (If a new seal ring (12)
was installed, stroke the piston (8) about 50
cycles by alternately opening/closing valves
#2 and #3 in se quence, at tempt ing to “seat”
the seal ring (12) before beginning the leak
test.) (Rec om mend pres sure in teg ri ty test per
sub sec tion D. herein.)

6. Remove leak test apparatus. Reconnect pilot

valve (PV) to main valve (MV) using ap pro -
pri ate pipe nipples, tubing and fi ttings (19, 20,
26, 27, 28, 29 & 30). Ensure all connections
are tight and in proper orientation.


C. Seat Leakage – Main Valve (MV):

NOTE: The main valve’s (MV) plug (7)-to-seat (5)

leak age and cylinder (3)-to-seal ring (12)
leak age should both be tested.

1. Separate pilot valve (PV) from main valve

(MV). See Section VI, subsection B.

2. Insert tapped pipe plugs with hose fi ttings into

both the inlet and outlet connections. Place
open end of outlet hose in jar of water per B.3.

3. Install temporary hoses with tight shutoff in-

stru ment needle valves at three con nec tions;
cylinder head-inlet, vent, and inlet of main
valve. See Figure 5.

4. Close valves #2, and #3. Open valve #1.

Slowly pressurize the inlet up to 50 psig (3.4
Barg). Wait a min i mum of 10 min utes. Ob serve
for leak age of bubbles in the water jar. If the
number of bubbles is greater than the limit
indicated below in Table 1, trim re place ment
or extra lap ping is rec om mend ed.

D. Pressure Integrity Leak Test:

1. Test pilot valve (PV) and main valve (MV)

assembled together with all interconnecting
pipe (19), tubing (21) and fi ttings (20).

2. Insert tapped pipe plugs with hose fi ttings to

both inlet and outlet body (1) connections.

3. Install temporary hoses with tight shutoff in-

stru ment needle valves at outlet connection of
main valve (MV) and of the pilot valve (PV).

4. Connect temporary air supply with in-line ad-

just able airset regulator to inlet connection of
main valve (MV).

5. Close needle valve at outlet connection of main

valve (MV). Crack open the needle valve at
the pilot valve (PV) outlet.

6. Rotate adjusting screw (19) of pilot valve (PV)

CW (viewed from above adjusting screw) until
a point of high resistance occurs; this should
correspond to the diaphragm (12) pushing
against the body's (1) down trav el stops. Re-
cord the number of rev o lu tions the ad just ing
screw was rotated in the box below:

No. of revolutions the adjusting screw was
ro tat ed ______________.


Body Size

Maximum Leak Rate

Plug-to-Seat Ring Cyl in der-to-Seal Ring




Bubbles Per Minute



















