Cashco DL User Manual
Page 3

A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are based
upon re mov al of the regulator unit from the pipe-
line where in stalled.
2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for
re mov al, handling, cleaning and disposal of
nonreusable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.
3. Refer to Figure 2 for basic regulator. Refer to
Figure 4 for cryogenic regu la tor. For blow-ups
of Option-4 Stabilizer, refer to Figure 3.
B. Diaphragm
1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with
the spring chamber (2) loading chamber (33)
directed upwards.
2. Relax range spring (14) by turning adjusting
screw (6) CCW until removed from spring cham-
ber (2). NOTE: If the D-3 Option hand wheel is
utilized, the adjusting screw (6) and locknut (7)
are re placed respectively by hand wheel adjust-
ing screw (20) and locking lever (21). Refer to
Figure 1.
1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where sys tem
pressure is to be maintained as the reg u la tor is shut
down, slowly open the bypass valve while reducing
the loading pressure (Opt.-20) and slowly closing the
inlet (up stream) block valve. When all loading pres-
sure is relieved, fully close the inlet (upstream) block
valve. (When on bypass, the system pressure must
be constantly observed and manually reg u lat ed.)
Close the outlet (down stream) block valve.
2. If the regulator and system are to both be shut down,
remove all loading pressure while slowly closing the
inlet (upstream) block valve. Close the outlet (down-
stream) valve only if reg u la tor removal is required.
3. Draw or embed a match mark between body
casting (1) and spring chamber casting (2) load-
ing chamber (33) along fl anged area.
4. Remove all diaphragm nuts (9) and bolts (8).
5. Remove spring chamber (2), (loading chamber
33),range spring (14), spring button (4), pres-
sure plate (3) and diaphragm(s) (12). NOTE:
Refer to the quan tity of diaphragms (12) in cor-
po rat ed per the bill of materials listing. De-
pending on outlet pres sure level, multiple metal
diaph ragms may be “stacked”.
6. Remove pusher plate (11) and inspect for a
fi t which limits its travel to a vertical direction.
Wear will show as ex ces sive wobble in push er
plate (11). If apparent, recommend trim removal
and inspection; go to Sub-Sec tion C fol low ing.
Re in stall pusher plate (11).
7. Inspect pressure plate (3) to ensure no de for -
ma tion due to over-pressurization. If de formed,
8. Clean body (1) and diaphragm fl ange. NOTE:
On regulators originally supplied as “ox y gen
clean”, Option D-5, D-36, D-55, or DL-55, main-
tenance must include a level of clean li ness
equal to Cashco cleaning standard #S-1134.
On reg u la tors originally supplied as “cleaned
for Phar ma ceu ti cal and Food ap pli ca tions” Op-
tion D-37 or D-37S, main te nance must in clude
a level of cleanliness equal to Cashco cleaning
stan dard #S-1576.
9. Place diaphragm gasket (13) on body (1) fl ange.
Position diaphragm(s) (12) into place. Vi su al ly
center pres sure plate (3) onto diaphragm(s)
(12), and set range spring (14) onto retainer hub
of pressure plate (3). (Opt.-20 does not utilize
spring skip to step 11.) NOTE: No dia phragm
gasket (13) for com po si tion dia phragm.
Do not walk away and leave a bypassed reg u la tor
SYSTEM UNDER PRESSURE. Prior to per form ing
any maintenance, isolate the regulator from the
system and relieve all pres sure. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury.
fl ange bolts, relieve spring com pres sion by backing
out the ad just ing screw. Failure to do so may result
in fl ying parts that could cause personal injury.