C.E. Niehoff & Co. C680 Alternator Installation User Manual

C680 alternator, Installation instructions

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C680 Alternator

Installation Instructions

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If you have questions about your alternator or any of these instructions, or if you need to locate a Factory Authorized Service Dealer, please contact us at:

C. E. Niehoff & Co.• 2021 Lee Street • Evanston, IL 60202 USA

TEL: 800.643.4633 USA and Canada • TEL: 847.866.6030 outside USA and Canada • FAX: 847.492.1242

E-mail us at [email protected]

Install alternator as shown in Figure 1:

1. OEM units are shipped with pulley, belleville

washer, and nut installed.

Aftermarket units are shipped with shaft
collar, belleville washer, and nut. Remove
and discard shaft collar. Install pulley and
furnished belleville washer. Torque nut to 163
Nm/120 lb. ft.

2. Install alternator on pad mount per vehicle

manufacturer’s instructions, including hard-
ware specifications and torque. Use hardened
washer between aluminum surface and bolt
heads, nuts, ect. Bolts to be SAE grade 5 mini-
mum, metric class 8.8 minimum.

3. All cabling, wiring or conduit must be support-

ed within 305 mm/12 in. of termination on al-

Figure 1—C680 Alternator w/A2-155 Regulator Installation Details

B+ terminal M12x1.75 Bolt –

torque to 30 Nm/22 lb. ft.

B– terminal M10x1.5 Bolt

(either side) –

torque to 15 Nm/11 lb. ft.

M20x1.5 Nut

torque to 163 Nm/120 lb. ft.

Belleville washer

4. Choose wire gauge for B+ and B– cables ca-

pable of handling maximum alternator output
with minimum voltage drop.

5. Regulator is furnished with OEM units and is

supplied separately by request with aftermar-
ket units. Install regulator on alternator and
torque mounting screws to 8.5 Nm/75 lb. in.
Plug alternator-to-regulator harness securely
into regulator.

6. Make electrical connections to regulator, using

proper ring terminals:

• Connect IGN terminal to ignition source

through existing switch. Torque M5 termi-

nal nut on regulator to 4.5 Nm/40 lb. in.

• When required, connect P terminal to

tachometer or relay. P terminal taps AC

voltage, typically half the charge voltage.

Torque M6 terminal nut on regulator to

4.5 Nm/40 lb. in.

Regulator P terminal;

torque to 4.5 Nm/40 lb. in.

Regulator IGN terminal;

torque to 4.5 Nm/40 lb. in.