Gps and timekeeping, See the, For mo – MoTeC ADR User Manual
Page 18

ADR Functionality User Manual
ADR Functional Reference
MoTeC — Published: 11 February 2014
Page 17
Channel Name
Update Rate Description
Wheel Speed FL (km/h)
Wheel Speed FR (km/h)
Wheel Speed RL (km/h)
Wheel Speed RR (km/h)
Steering Angle (°)
Steering Position (mm)
User 1 to User 10
The log file additionally contains a header with the following information:
• Event date and start time (UTC) received on the GPS input
• ADR name (from the ADR configuration)
• ADR serial number
All references to X, Y and Z readings refer to the default vehicle orientation described in the
section on
Further Information:
See the
Event Triggering
section on page
for details on accelerometer filtering.
for details of CAN channels.
GPS and Timekeeping
The ADR can receive time, speed and location data from NMEA GPRMC sentences transmitted over RS232 from a
GPS receiver. The GPS data is used to provide time and location stamping of ADR events, and to include vehicle speed
during event logging.
For information on enabling and configuring the GPS; see the
section on page
The following applies:
• If a GPS is not connected to the ADR, then the GPS functionality should be disabled in the device configuration to
prevent GPS faults.
• The RS232 baud rate can be specified in the device configuration to 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
• The ADR maintains time and date only when powered on. The time stamping clock starts at 00:00 1/1/2000
when the ADR is turned on. The clock is set to the correct UTC time whenever a valid GPRMC sentence is
received from the GPS.
• GPS diagnostics are transmitted in the CAN status messages; see the
section on page
• If a received GPS sentence has an invalid checksum, then the data is ignored and the GPS Invalid diagnostic
status is set until a valid sentence is received.
• If no valid GPS sentence is received for 2 seconds then the GPS Timeout and GPS Invalid diagnostics statuses are
set until a valid sentence is received.
• The ADR provides 5V external power for a GPS receiver.