Event logging – MoTeC ADR User Manual
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ADR Functionality User Manual
ADR Functional Reference
Event Logging
If power is lost during an event, the ADR uses a supercapacitor to maintain power for event logging and severe event
indication (flashing Status LED).
The following applies:
• The ADR can store up to 10 events in non-volatile flash memory.
• Each event contains 2 seconds of pre-trigger data and 30 seconds of post trigger data.
• The stored event contains:
Accelerometer readings (3 axes), updated at 1000Hz.
CAN bus channels (20 channels), updated at 100Hz.
GPS speed, date, time and location (lat/long), updated at 20Hz.
• The ADR always attempts to maintain free space so that a new event can be logged.
• Whenever there are more than 8 logged events, the oldest non-severe event in the event log will be
automatically erased to free the log location for new events. Severe events are never automatically erased.
• Logging can be downloaded and erased using ADR Manager; see the
The generated log file for a stored event contains the following channels:
Channel Name
Update Rate Description
X (G)
Y (G)
Z (G)
Filtered accelerometer readings as logged by the ADR
CFC60 X (G)
CFC60 Y (G)
CFC60 Z (G)
Filtered accelerometer readings with further post-filtering to the
SAE J211 CFC60 crash test standard
Trigger X (G)
Trigger Y (G)
Trigger Z (G)
Filtered accelerometer readings used for event triggering
Trigger XY Vector (G)
Trigger XYZ Vector (G)
Acceleration vector magnitude of the filtered readings used for
event triggering
GPS Time (H)
GPS Time (M)
GPS Time (S)
Time (UTC), set by the time received on the GPS input
GPS Speed (km/h)
GPS Latitude (°)
GPS Longitude(°)
Speed and location received on the GPS input
Engine Speed (rpm)
Throttle Pedal Position (%)
Brake Pressure Front (kPa)
Brake Pressure Rear (kPa)
Optional channels from received CAN messages
MoTeC — Published: 11 February 2014
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