Bray Triple Offset User Manual

Page 11

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O & M


150 & 300

A D i v i s i o n o f B r a y I n t e r n a t i o n a l , I n c .

The Ultimate Critical Service Triple Offset Valve

O p e r a t i o n a n d M a i n t e n a n c e M a n u a l

9.2 Body seat (replaceable) Replacement

Refer to parts diagram for parts identification by
reference numbers. (Pg. 7)

It is highly recommended that both the body seat (replace-
able) (B1) and disc seal ring (C2) be replaced at the same
time. However, individual components are not matched
in pairs; and may be replaced separately if desired.



Exercise extra care when handling the body seat (replace-
able) anddisc seal ring to avoid damage to the sealing

1. Close the valve and remove the actuator. Place the

(replaceable) (B1) facing up.

2. Carefully clean the surface of the body seat

(replaceable) and remove all foreign matter from the
hex sockets of seat retaining cap screws (B3). Use
compressed air to blow out the gap between the body
seat (replaceable) OD and the wall of the retaining
cavity in valve body (A1). Apply a suitable penetrant
into the gap between the body seat (replaceable) OD
(B1) and the body (A1) to help in extracting the body
seat (replaceable) (B1) from the body cavity.

3. Using a wrench, remove all body seat (replaceable)

retaining socket cap screws (B3).

4. Using a hardwood or aluminum drift and a light ham-

mer, tap the top of the body seat (replaceable) (B1)
lightly all around to loosen the seat in the retaining

5. Using full-threaded bolts or suitable threaded rod

matched to the threads in all tapped jacking holes,
begin jacking the body seat (replaceable) (B1) evenly
out from the retaining cavity. Tap the body seat (re-
placeable) lightly with the drift as necessary to keep
it in alignment with the walls of the retaining cavity
in the body (A1). Remove the body seat (replaceable)
(B1) from the body (A1).

6. Using non-abrasive tools, carefully clean any

remnants of old gasket and foreign matter within
the retaining cavity. Blow out all threaded holes and
gasket grooves with compressed air.

7. Remove disc seal ring retaining screws (C5) and

lock washers (C6) from disc seal ring retainer (C4).
Remove disc seal ring retainer (C4). If the old disc
seal ring (C2) is to be reinstalled, extract it care-
fully. Wipe the disc seal ring (C2) clean, removing
all remnants of old gasket and foreign matter. Place
the old disc seal ring (C2) aside for reinstallation
(if not replacing the disc seal ring with a new one).

8. Using soft tools and a suitable wire brush, carefully

clean any remnants of old gasket and foreign matter
from the face of the disc (C1). Blow out all threaded
holes and the gasket groove with compressed air.

9. Place a new disc gasket (C3) into the groove on the

disc face (C1). The mating side of the disc gasket
may be lightly greased to improve retention in the
groove. Place the disc seal ring (C2) onto the disc,
making sure the alignment line on the disc seal ring
matches the locating dimple in disc face. Place the seal
retainer (C4) over the disc seal ring. Apply anti-seize
compound to the disc seal ring retaining cap screws
(C5). Install all disc seal ring retaining cap screws
(C5) with lock washers (C6). The seal retaining cap
screws (C5) should to be fully threaded into the disc

the valve to approximately 20°.

10. Place the seat gasket (B2) into the groove in the seat

(B1). It is highly recommended to apply grease to
the mating side of the seat gasket to secure its posi-
tion in the groove. Apply a suitable lubricant to the
sealing surfaces of the seat (B1) and disc seal ring
(C2). Insert the seat (B1) into the body (A1) making
sure the alignment dimples in the seat (B1) and the
retaining cavity in the body (A1) both match. Apply
anti-seize compound to seat retaining cap screws (B3)

11. Verify that all four alignment marks match (body,

seat,disc seal ring and disc seal ring retainer) and then
tighten the seat retaining cap screws (B3) evenly and


Table 3 (Pg. 12).

12. Lubricate the sealing surfaces of the disc seal ring

(C2) and the seat (B1). Using a suitable actuator, close
and open the valve 2-3 times, only closing the valve
to the point where the disc seal ring engages with the