Avision @V2800 User Manual
Page 41

Folder Template: Used to specify the parameters for a Folder Template. The
Folder Template contains similar information as the new folder screens. The Folder
Template will display on the folder screen when users want to add a new folder to
save the time to retype these data again.
Server Settings
Target URL
Please choose the type of protocol of your filing server in the
first field. Choice includes *FTP, HTTP, CIFS, HTTPS.
Please enter the target URL in the second field. You can enter
either the domain name or the IP address with the directory
path. Note that the directory will be varied due to different
protocol. The route starts from the root directory in FTP, HTTP,
HTTPS, and CIFS. For example, ftp://, http://, and file:\\,
Important note:
You must use this CIFS filing format, file:\\IP\computer
name\folder name, to set CIFS URL.
Port #
Enter the port number for the server which you want to store
your scanned document.
Default value: *ftp:21, http:80, CIFS:139, https:443
If the default value is different from the real case, input the
correct port number in this field. Touch anywhere on the “Port”
field to bring up the soft keyboard to enter the text.
File Name
The file name for your scanned document without extension. If
you have not entered a value in the box, the system will bring
you a default file name, image. Using #Y#M#D#h#m#s#n
makes file name change as time goes.
(Y), M, D, h, m, s, and n
represent year, month, date, hour, minute, second and series
number respectively.) For example, type file name: test#D#n
will bring your filing file name as test0500001
Report to
Enter an e-mail address if you wish to send the filing report to
the e-mail.
Create a
Choose ON to enable the server to create a subfolder when
sending the scanned image to the destination server. (Check if
you are authorized to write under the destination server.)
Choice: ON, *OFF
*Factory Default