Atec Tektronix-TDS7000B Series User Manual
Digital phosphor oscilloscopes

Features & Benefits
Up to 7.25 GHz True Analog
Bandwidth and Down to 43 ps
Rise Time (20% to 80%)
>400,000 wfms/s Waveform
Capture Rate, Powered by Exclusive
Acquisition Technology
20 GS/s Maximum Real-time
Sample Rate
Exceptional Delta-time Accuracy
for High Confidence in Critical
Timing Measurements
Custom Control
Windows Enhance Productivity
Right Mouse Click Menus
for Exceptional Efficiency
Powerful Triggering Features for
Fast Detection of Relevant Faults
Communications Mask Testing
Up to 4.25 Gb/s Rates
Clock Recovery from Serial Data
Streams up to 3.125 Gb/s
Up to 64 MB Record Length
with MultiView Zoom
for Quick
Navigation of Long Records
Interface for
High Fidelity Connection
Classic Direct Controls,
Touch-sensitive Display
or Mouse Navigation
with Microsoft
Windows 2000 Delivers Built-in
Networking and Analysis
XGA 1024x768 Display
Signal Integrity, Jitter
and Timing Analysis
Verification, Debug
and Characterization of
Sophisticated Designs
Design, Development and
Compliance Testing of Serial Data
Streams Up to 4.25 Gb/s Rates
Debug of Telecom, Datacom
and Storage Area Network
Equipment Designs, and
High-speed Backplanes
Spectral Analysis
Investigation of
Transient Phenomena
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS7000B Series
Superior Measurement Fidelity, Unrivaled Analysis,
Uncompromised Usability
The TDS7000B Series’ unique combina-
tion of superior measurement fidelity,
unrivaled analysis and uncompromised
usability makes it the ultimate test
machine to simplify and speed the design
of high-speed, complex systems. This
family offers the industry’s best solution
to the challenging signal integrity issues
faced by designers verifying, character-
izing and debugging sophisticated
electronic designs.
They deliver up to 7.25 GHz (typical)
true analog bandwidth, down to 43 ps
rise time (20% to 80%), and 20 GS/s
maximum real-time sample rate to
capture critical events with fine detail.
Exclusive DPX
acquisition technology
enables waveform capture rates up
to 400,000 wfms/s to quickly find rare
glitches in seconds or minutes, instead
of hours or days. Innovative software
solutions deliver domain expertise for
advanced analysis and compliance
testing, while the OpenChoice
enables users to integrate their expertise
through the ability to easily write custom
programs or utilize popular commercial
software. The intuitive graphical user
interface delivers sophisticated capability
to advanced users without intimidating
occasional users.