Atec Rohde-Schwarz-EB500 User Manual
Page 9

Rohde & Schwarz R&S®EB500 Monitoring Receiver 9
ITU-compliant spectrum monitoring using the
R&S®ARGUS system software
For more than 20 years, R&S®ARGUS has been a highly
successful control software solution for ITUcompliant
measurement and analysis tasks. It offers a variety of mea
suring modes designed to support typical measurement
procedures and greatly simplify everyday tasks. It can also
perform a large number of analyses that enable detailed
evaluation of measurements and the creation of precise,
indepth reports. These capabilities are now also available
in combination with the R&S®EB500.
Full access to receiver functions from a PC
The userfriendly standard interface in R&S®ARGUS makes
the entire range of R&S®EB500 functionality available on a
PC. Measurement results are displayed in realtime in the
form of graphics and tables. The results are stored along
with the receiver settings in an internal database to allow
subsequent evaluation in line with ITU requirements.
The entire system is calibrated, taking into account the
frequencydependent sensitivity of the antenna and
attenuation and loss in cables and switches.
Automatic identification of deviations from the
desired state
In combination with R&S®ARGUS, the R&S®EB500 can
automatically identify whether the current signal scenario
is consistent with expectations. Users can define a valid
range of values for each measurement parameter depend
ing on the frequency. If a measured value is outside the
defined range, R&S®ARGUS immediately issues an alarm.
New and unknown transmitters can thus be discovered
just as easily as transmitters that exceed licensed broad
cast parameters (e.g. excessive frequency deviation). This
is especially important in connection with digitally modu
lated signals such as DAB and DVBT. The implementation
of vestigial sideband measurements in R&S®ARGUS in line
with ITU recommendations (comparing the realtime signal
against a spectrum mask) is particularly userfriendly (see
Guided measurements
One unique feature in R&S®ARGUS are its guided mea
surement modes. Users simply choose a frequency range
and the type of measurement task (field strength, spec
trum occupancy or bandwidth, for example). R&S®ARGUS
then configures the right device settings automatically and
selects the appropriate antenna based on the frequency
and polarization. This allows even relatively inexperienced
users to conduct complex measurements with the
monitoring system
for regulatory
Spectrum of a DVBT transmitter with a mask overlay in line with
ITU recommendations.