Atec JDSU-ONT Series User Manual
Page 8
ONT-5xx 40/43 Gb/s Test Solution
Fast maximum tolerable jitter (Fast-MTJ)
This extremely fast measurement tests the device under test for
conformance to the standard tolerance mask limits for maximum
tolerable jitter. The editable frequency/amplitude values are set
sequentially and the test pattern is monitored for the permitted
threshold by the receiver. The result of each measurement is shown
in a table as a status message.
Selective jitter transfer function (JTF)
The JTF shows the ratio of the jitter amplitude at the output of the
device under test (DUT) and at the input at various frequencies.
Standard tolerance masks are available and can be edited.
40/43G Wander
Fully complies with or exceeds the requirements of ITU-T O.172.
This software option is only available in conjunction with 40G SDH/
SONET jitter and the 43G jitter option which enables wander gene-
ration and analysis at the different bit rates.
Wander generator
Modulation signal
Sine wave
Amplitude range
0.1 to 1024000 UI
Amplitude step width
0.1 UI
Frequency range
10 µHz to 10 Hz
Frequency step width
1 µHz
Wander analyzer
Four different sampling rates are available for detailed analysis ver-
sus time:
Sampling rate – Low-pass filter
1/s – 0.1 Hz, 30/s – 10 Hz (O.172), 60/s – 20 Hz, 1000/s – 100 Hz
Wander reference signal input
Bantam 110 Ω
Clock signal
1.544, 2.048 MHz
Data signal
1.544, 2.048 Mb/s
BNC 75 Ω
Clock signal
1.544, 2.048, 5, 10 MHz
Data signal
1.544, 2.048 Mb/s
Wander measuring modes
Time interval error (TIE) numerical and graphical, peak-peak wan-
der numerical.
TIE values are recorded and available for MTIE/TDEV evaluations
and frequency offset and drift rate measurements with graphs and
built-in masks that comply with Telcordia GR-253, GR-1244, ANSI
T1.101, ETSI ETS 300 462, EN 302 084, ITU-T O.172, and G.810 to
G.813 recommendations.
Automatic wander measurements
Maximum tolerable wander (MTW)
This application tests the DUT for conformance to the standard
tolerance mask limits for wander tolerance and is available in con-
nection with the wander generator.
The device under test is subjected to wander at several amplitudes
and frequencies and the output signal is monitored for different
error sources. The measurement point is then marked as “Pass” (no
alarms or errors detected) or “Fail” (alarms or errors detected).
Interface and Unframed Testing
Unframed testing
With the possibility to generate and analyze unframed test signals
the application space for testing with ONT family can be extended
to earlier testing phases in the optical component area but also for
verification of real transparent signals.
Generator reference clock output
Via 50
W SMA connector, with clocking at line rate/64