Atec JDSU-ONT Series User Manual

Page 12

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ONT-5xx 40/43 Gb/s Test Solution


Transfer delay measurements by special payload pattern in the
Range of 0 to 40 s.
Transfer delay can be measured even between different ports
within the same mainframe.

Numerical display

Current transfer delay with accuracy of 1 µs and
Resolution 100 ns
Minimum transfer delay (with timestamp)
Maximum transfer delay (with timestamp)

Pointer analysis
AU/STS Pointer

Numerical display
Value, count of increments, decrements, NDF.

Tabular display
Display of all events with time stamps


Start, stop, duration, count

Performance monitoring


Performance monitoring G.826
EB, BBE, ES, EFS, SES, and UAS are evaluated. Pass/fail assessments
based on line length allocation of 0.1 to 100%.
The SES and UAS thresholds are user-programmable. In-service
measurement (ISM) of the near end and the far end of a selected
path, as well as out-of-service (OOS) measurements, are supported.

Performance monitoring G.828 and G.829
The G.828 defines error performance parameters for international
synchronous paths.
EB, BBE, ES, EFS, SES, and UAS are evaluated. Pass/fail assessments
are based on a line length allocation of 0.1 to 100%.The SES and UAS
thresholds are user-programmable. The SEP can be switched off
for assessment. G.829 defines error performance events and block
structures for SDH multiplex and regenerator sections.

Evaluation of ES, EFS, SES, UAS and SEFS (GR 253, T1.231) ESA, ESB

Byte capture SOH/TOH
To analyze the SOH/TOH functions, it is necessary to capture indi-
vidual bytes vs. time, allowing detection of errors or short term
changes with frame level resolution. The capture function is started
by a selectable trigger.
Values for one/two selected bytes are stored and can be accessed
subsequently in a table of values.
Particularly in capturing the APS sequences, bytes K1 and K2 are
displayed in clear text.

Selectable bytes for SOH/TOH

All bytes

Captured parameters

Byte value, number of frames and

Correspondent time

Storage depth of one byte or K1/K2 combination
Post trigger

up to 256 value changes

Pre trigger

up to 256 value changes

Trigger conditions

Pre, post, center

Trigger events

User defined byte value, bit mask

(compare, not compare, don’t care)


OTN application

OTN testing
The OTN application runs on the Interface module and the payload
board and allows generation and analysis of an OTM0.3 signal.
Detailed parameters can be manipulated and evaluated in diffe-
rent OTN levels. Its payload supports both framed SDH/SONET and
unframed clients.
The test set provides signal analysis and manipulation (alarm, error,
overhead), Forward Error Correction (FEC) generation and analysis
as well as FEC error testing. In addition to this, the full analysis capa-
bilities of SDH and SONET are available for OTN client analysis.

OPU3 mapping of client signals:

CBR40G with SDH/SONET client (optional, BN 3061/91.52 or

BN 3061/91.56)
– STM-256/STS-768 signal internally generated.
– Generation see “40G SDH/SONET application” page 9.
PRBS test signal

– PRBS 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1 inv., 2


-1 inv., 2


-1 inv.,



-1 inv. (conforming to ITU-T O.150)

– Digital word 32 bit free programmable
Null client

OTN multiplexing (optional, see page 16)

All clients can be mapped bit-synchronous or asynchronous.