Atec JDSU-ONT Series User Manual
Atec Equipment

Optical Network Tester 40/43 Gb/s Test Solution
March 2009
Optical transport networking
New 40/43 Gb/s networks will allow operators to further enhance transport capacity in the
optical network, extend distances between systems, and improve its flexibility and respon-
siveness in setting up new high-bandwidth services as well as lowering operating costs for
these services.
Market drivers
High-end core routers with 40 Gb/s short reach interfaces are becoming an important
market driver, reducing the number of interconnecting fibers within the central office. Big
benefits are the lower cost, space and power consumption. In long-haul networks, a key
to 40 Gb/s migration is the ability to utilize the existing line system. In metro-regional net-
works, e.g. city-hoppers applications, 40 Gb/s can also be used very cost effectively.
New, high bit rate networks create enormous challenges for equipment vendors not only
because they push the boundaries of physics, but also because every network component
must be perfectly designed, installed and tuned. The point at which networks are installed,
turned up and commissioned will prove critical. A new generation of test equipment
capable of meeting the demands of 40/43 Gb/s systems will be required at each stage of
network design, system verification and validation, network installation, maintenance, and
Optical transport test solution
The JDSU ONT-506/512 enables evaluation and characterization of 40/43 Gb/s electrical/
optical devices. The ONT supports unframed BER testing, and framed SDH/SONET/OTN
functional testing including jitter/ wander generation and analysis. The modular concept
starts with 3 slots for 40 Gb/s optical framed and unframed. Further modules can be added
to enable electrical interfaces and jitter/ wander applications. In addition, the programma-
ble hardware architecture allows to add a payload module for the combined OTN with SDH/
SONET client testing and to assure the future-proof for further applications.
Key Features
40/43 Gb/s optical and electrical interfaces in a single
SDH STM-256 and SONET OC-768 concatenated and
fully structured signals
OTM0.3 with PRBS or SDH/SONET client
Unframed 39.813 Gb/s and 43.018 Gb/s BER testing
Alarm, error, overhead, and pointer generation and
Jitter/ Wander generation and analysis for 40/43 Gb/s