8990b peak power analyzer specifications – Atec Agilent-8990B User Manual
Page 11
Time Base
2 ns to 100 msec/div in 1-2-5 sequence or any arbitrary scaling, user defined
Delta time accuracy
1 ns + 0.02 x (time/div)
Timebase accuracy
± 1.4 ppm peak
Channel to Channel offset
±5 ns (ETS Off), ±3 ns (ETS On)
Delay range
± 1 s max
1. The trigger level of video channels is dependent on the vertical scale setting.
2. The trigger delay range is dependant on the timebase setting.
Hardware trigger
Sweep mode
Auto, triggered, single
Trigger mode
Postive and negative edge, pulse width (all channels)
Trigger by event (sensor channel 1 & 4)
Trigger source
Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, AUX
Trigger level
Level range
Channel 1 and 4: –20 dBm to +20 dBm
Channel 2 and 3: ± 8 div from center screen (1 MΩ, edge mode)
AUX: TTL (high > 2.4 V, low < 0.7 V at 50Ω
Level resolution
Channel 1 and 4: 0.01dB
Channel 2 and 3: 10uV
Level accuracy
Channel 1 and 4: ±0.5 dB (0.5 dB/ns slew rate in ETS mode)
Trigger delay
Delay range
± 1.0 s max
Delay resolution
1% of delay setting, 10 ns maximum (50 ns/div)
Trigger hold-off
1 µs to 1 s
1% of selected value (to a minimum of 10 ns)
Vertical and horizontal markers
minimum 1 ns
Sensor check source
1.05 GHz or 50 MHz (selectable)
Power level
0 dBm ±0.9% (50 MHz)
0 dBm ±1.2% (1.05 GHz)
Signal type
Square pulse modulated (1.05 GHz only) or CW (1.05 GHz or 50 MHz)
Repetition rate
1 kHz
Connector type
Type N (female)
Waveform measurement and math
Pulse measurement
Rise time, fall time, minimum, average, peak, peak-to-average, duty cycle, PRI, PRF, off
time, pulse base, pulse top, pulse width, overshoot
Markers measurement
Delay measurement, pulse spacing, pulse droop
Waveform math
Add, averaging, common mode, divide, invert, magnify, multiply, PAE, PAE2, subtract,
square root, XY display
CCDF (free run and triggered)
Video averaging
2, 4, 8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 selectable
Dual window zoom
8990B Peak Power Analyzer Specifications