Performance characteristics, Continued) – Atec Agilent-7000A Series User Manual

Page 22

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Performance characteristics


Display system

12.1-inch (255 mm x 184 mm) diagonal color TFT LCD

Throughput of scope channels

Up to 100,000 waveforms/sec in real-time mode


XGA – 768 vertical by 1024 horizontal points (screen area);

640 vertical by 1000 horizontal points (waveform area)

256 levels of intensity scale


Waveform intensity on front panel. Vectors on/off; infinite persistence on/off,

8 x 10 grid with intensity control

Built-in help system

Key-specific help displayed by pressing and holding key or softkey of interest.

Language support for 11 languages including English, German, French, Russian, Japanese,

Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

Real-time clock

Time and date (user adjustable)

Measurement features
Automatic measurements

Measurements are continuously updated. Cursors track last selected measurement.

Up to four measurements can be displayed on screen at any one time.

Voltage (scope channels only)

Peak-to-peak, maximum, minimum, average, amplitude, top, base, overshoot, preshoot, RMS,

standard deviation (AC RMS), Ratio (dB)


Frequency, period, + width, – width and duty cycle on any channel.

Rise time, fall time, X at max Y (time at max volts), X at min Y (time at min volts), delay, and

phase on scope channels only.


Built-in 5-digit frequency counter on any channel. Counts up to the scope’s bandwidth (1 GHz

max). The counter resolution can be increased to 8 digits with an external 10-MHz reference.

Threshold definition

Variable by percent and absolute value; 10%, 50%, 90% default for time measurements


Manually or automatically placed readout of horizontal (X, ΔX, 1/ΔX) and vertical (Y, ΔY).

Tracking Cursors provides an additional mode for cursor positioning beyond the current manual

method. When cursor tracking is enabled, changing a cursor’s x-axis position results in the

yaxis cursor tracking the corresponding y-axis (voltage, current, etc.) value. Additionally logic

or scope channels can be displayed as binary or hex values.

Waveform math

f (g(t))

g(t): { 1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 1+2, 1x2, 3-4, 3+4, 3x4}

f(t): { 1-2, 1+2, 1x2, 3-4, 3+4, 3x4, FFT(g(t)), differentiate d/dt g(t), integrate ∫ g(t) dt, square

root √g(t) }

Where 1,2,3,4 represent analog input channels 1, 2, 3, and 4

Note: Channels 3 and 4 only available on MSO/DSO7xx4A models

Measurement statistics

Statistical data for enabled measurements such as mean, min, max, standard deviation

and count