Bts master™ base station analyzer features, Power meter high accuracy power meter, Option 0019) – Atec Anritsu-MT8221B User Manual

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BTS Master™ Base Station Analyzer Features

Power Meter High Accuracy Power Meter

(Option 0019)

Power Sensors

High Accuracy RF Power Sensor

50 MHz to 6 GHz
Type N(m), 50 Ω
-30 dBm to +20 dBm
(.001 mW to 100 mW)


Inline High Power Sensor

600 MHz to 4 GHz
+3 dBm to +51.76 dBm
(2 mW to 150 W)


High Accuracy RF Power Sensor

50 MHz to 6 GHz
-40 dBm to +23 dBm
(0.1 µW to 200 mW)


Microwave USB Power Sensor

10 MHz to 8 GHz
-40 dBm to +20 dBm
(0.1 µW to 100 mW)
Slot Power
Burst Average Power

Microwave USB Power Sensor

10 MHz to 18 GHz,
-40 dBm to +20 dBm
(0.1 µW to 100 mW)
Slot Power
Burst Average Power

Microwave USB Power Sensor

10 MHz to 26 GHz,
-40 dBm to +20 dBm
(0.1 µW to 100 mW)
Slot Power
Burst Average Power

Power Meters
The BTS Master offers as standard a built-
in Power Meter utilizing the Spectrum
Analyzer and an optional High Accuracy
Power Meter requiring external power

Setting the transmitter output power of
a base station properly is critical to the
overall operation of a wireless network.
A 1.5 dB change in power levels means a
15% change in coverage area.

Too much power means overlapping
coverage which translates into cell-to-
cell self interference. Too little power, too
little coverage, creates island cells with
non-overlapping cell sites and reduced
in-building coverage. High or low values
will cause dead zones/dropped calls, lower
data rates/reduced capacity near cell
edges, and cell loading imbalances/blocked

High Accuracy Power Meter (Option 19)
For the most accurate power measurement
requirements select the high accuracy
measurement option with a choice of
sensors with:

• Frequency ranges:

10 MHz to 18 GHz

• Power ranges:

40 dBm to +51.76 dBm

• Measurement uncertainties:

≤ ± 0.18 dB

These sensors enable users to make
accurate measurements for CW and
digitally modulated signals for 2G/3G
and upcoming 4G wireless networks.

The power sensor easily connects to the
BTS Master via a USB A/mini-B cable.
An additional benefit of using the USB
connection is that a separate DC supply
(or battery) is not needed since the
necessary power is supplied by the
USB port.

PC Power Meter
These power sensors can be used with a
PC running Microsoft Windows


via USB.

They come with PowerXpert™ application,
a data analysis and control software. The
application has abundant features, such as
data logging, power versus time graph, big
numerical display, and many more, that
enable quick and accurate measurements.

Remote Power Monitoring via LAN
A USB-to-LAN hub converter enables
power monitoring via the Internet across
continents, if desired.

Power Meter (built-in)

Power is displayed in an analog type display and,

supports both watts and dBm. RMS averaging can be

set to low, medium, or high.

High Accuracy Power Meter (Option 0019)

Requires external power sensor with convenient

connection via a USB A/mini-B cable. Use upper/ lower

limit activation during pass/fail measurements.

Power Sensors

Anritsu offers a family of Power Sensors for your power

measurement requirements. They are compact enough

to fit in your shirt pocket.

PC Power Meter

These power sensors can be used with a PC running

Microsoft Windows


via USB. A front panel display

makes the PC appear like a traditional power meter.