Cla-Val CPC User Manual

20 ma actuated position control

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Thank you for purchasing a CLA-VAL CPC. With appropriate care, this CPC will provide accurate and reliable control of
your valve for many years. The CPC is built with the latest technology using only very high quality components.
The CPC is a 4-20 mA standalone actuated control which is PC calibrated and able to remotely control any CLA-VAL
valve. The pilot setting can be adjusted with a standard 4-20 mA signal. It also incorporates a 4-20 mA position feedback
signal to cross check if the requested position is reached.

General Disclaimer

In accordance with our policy of continuous development and improvement, CLA-VAL reserves the right to modify or im-
prove these products at any time without prior notice. CLA-VAL assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or
omissions in the content of this document.

Please review this manual thoroughly before starting

1. Visit our internet address and, if necessary, update the CPC with the latest Software and Firmware versions.

2. Troubleshooting at start up (after wiring actuator and applying 24 VDC power).

a. View LED diagnostics

located on top of

b. At start-up, the LED

should remain red for 5
seconds than turn to
solid Green

c. Green - OK normal


d. No light - Check power


e. Red - High torque limit

probably exceeded
Power down and up
again. Excess voltage
(above 32 volts).

3. Blinking red/green

a. Calibration was not

completed correctly

4-20 mA Actuated Position Control





Maintenance cable

Adapter socket

Input/Output cable moulded

10 meter standard execution

Maintenance port

PC Connection

Adaptable side

CPC Connection

Power supply cable

moulded 10 meter

standard execution

Security Low Sensor

Security High Sensor

Led indicator